FrankenStorm turned SuperStorm…so has this cancer!

Utility trucks are coming in!

<– I took that picture yesterday when we were driving down to Fredericksburg, VA for the day and I-95NB was just full of utility trucks preparing for the storm.  For anyone in another state or another country completely unaware… we are getting a major hurricane here!! This is the largest storm ever on the northeast path! Goodness.  My stomach is feeling like a hurricane as well. My stomach has just gone crazy and I have not ate anything solid in a couple days.  It hurts so extremely bad and it brings me back to the beginning with the digestion problem and extreme bloating.  We went out early this morning to get all my organic fruits & veggies so I can live this week if we lose power and have no stores.  We spent a good $250 on just a few days worth of fruits & veggies – not a cheap protocol along with everything else I do – but hopefully it’ll help.  I need to be extremely strict with everything I put in me.  Right now it’s been nothing but water.

I’ve had many ask if I’m following a regimen or have gotten juicing from anyone, my answer is No.  I have made my own protocol and the juicing I thought of myself and am on my own ‘Ashley regimen’.   This has worked phenomenally for me (if it cures me, I’ll write the book 😉  )   but I haven’t been 120% perfect with my regimen and feel terrible about that.  I have to be perfect now especially that I am in such pain because I need to give my pancreas a break moreso and help with detox and enzymes.  It is hard when you travel and need a fresh juice, this is the part I need to work on.  Making my drinks and drinking them later are not an option.

I didn’t feel this bad the other day so I am hoping and praying this will pass.  I know I need chemo and just have been trying every natural way of boosting my bone marrow.  I will meet with my hematologist soon to get my bone marrow biopsy.  A platelet transfusion is not an option at the point I am at.  Platelets only have a 1/2 life and by the time they are taken, processed and given the life of the platelets only last a few days so if you hit those platelets with chemo your body can’t handle then you will be waiting even longer for chemo.

I hope everyone has prepared for this storm if you live on the east coast here.  I have to lay down with my water and…oxy.. 😦   Boo. I hate pain killers but I need something to take the edge off, this is just has bad as I was in January.

Cancer sucks

5 comments on “FrankenStorm turned SuperStorm…so has this cancer!

  1. I’m sorry you’re feeling so bad 😦 Stay safe and dry!

  2. Al Swager says:

    Our Pittsburgh P-cancer Gala went well last friday night,make sure the bottled water you drink is spring water not filtered city water.Keep fighting, we are all praying for you, we love you Ashley!!!

  3. Thinking of you. Hope you feel better soon. I empathized with your blog because I was in agony back at the start of this year, and can imagine how I would feel to be back in pain like that. Then the storm on top of that. Hunker down, stay safe and the sun will come out tomorrow.

  4. lisa klein says:

    Hi Ash! We are going to come up with all sorts of new nicknames for you….”juicy girl” for example 😉 Just to give it that extra kick! Keep fighting, Beautiful! You are a whole burst of sunshine. I think of you lots and lots and am sending hugely good vibes 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Feel better soon.
    Hey, have you done any acupuncture for the pain/nausea? I can’t get my husband to try it-not too fond of needles, even tho I told him they are reeeallly, really thin. (Armed felons *check*, bombs, *check*….itsy bitsy needles….um, nope! lol)
    hugs and love to you!
    Lise (from the forum-not Rome)

  5. Mainlyhopeful – Thank you!

    Al – Thats great!! Yeah I don’t drink city water anyhow, I only drink distilled. Thank you 🙂

    Highinbrixham – Yeah that is the worst when you are feeling like the earlier days! I was sooo awfully sick every single day and night, at times I just wanted to be done with life, it was SO extremely hard for me.

    Lisa – Hey doll! 🙂 hahaha you remind me of every coworker of every agency I’ve ever worked at with the whole “nickname” idea, I’ve had my share 😉 hahah! You know what, in the beginning my little sister tried to get me to do acupuncture but I wasn’t interested I was just sick, wanted to sleep and be sick and take pain meds but just last week another friend mentioned it and we talked about doing it together. The little needles wouldn’t bother me so I may try. hahaha TOO funny to hear about the hubs 😉 You are the best and always praying for you both!! xoxox

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