November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month!!!

Do I have amazing friends??

^ This is a picture of an old coworker of mine (Fire Dept Lt. ) and great friend.  I am very fortunate to have such amazing friends!!!

– Incase you cannot read this it says “10 Mile Run Team Ashley Anderson and Purple Stride”

It’s November!!

It’s November 1st!!! That means it’s time to see PURPLE everywhere!!! It IS Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and it’s time to see a purple nation!! 🙂  Do it for me, do it for someone you know, do it if you love Apple and miss Steve Jobs, do it if you LOVE the movie Dirty Dancing and Ghost and love you some Patrick Swayze.  It doesn’t matter to me who exactly you are wearing purple for just wear it! Promote it! Tell everyone you know that this Ashley girl said Nov is for PC awareness and I think we should all show some support.  😉   K?  Cool.

Did you know?

  • Pancreatic Cancer has the lowest survival rate of all the leading cancers – unacceptable!!
  • Most people diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer (like myself) will die within the first year
  • There is NO cure and NO early detection for pancreatic cancer
  • Approx 44,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer this year
  • Pancreatic cancer receives only 2% of federal funding for cancer research
  • By 2020, possibly 2015, pancreatic cancer is will be the second cause of cancer related deaths in the US

The PanCan motto is “Know it Fight it End it” – I challenge you all to research a little more so we can fight together and end this!!


There is a PurpleStride in Philadelphia on Nov. 3 at 8am at Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park.    I will be attending this event!  A friend of mine is from Philly and actually wanted us all to do it together but since he unfortunately cannot make it now, the party must go on.  😉   Come out and rock that purple with me!

Just a note:  My birth stone is amethyst so I was just meant to promote purple!! I love it! ♥♥

oh I LOVE my birth stone!! I’d love to own this ring! haha


Once again, join the fight with me!!

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