CT/PET scan day with results – update after this am video!

Well I woke up at 3:30 and realized I fell asleep without setting my 5:00am alarm so thank goodness awoke! Then I was up till 4:30 which who wants to fall asleep only to wake in 30? Ugh well I did.

Blog later!!

Well the PET & CT scan went fine. I had to meet with my oncologist team afterwards and although I didn’t want to know the results, it was inevitable.  The scans revealed that the cancer is active and the cells that went dormant are becoming active again.  The cancer is in the tail of my pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, stomach, cervix, big mass in my abdomen, bowels and on my cysts.  I sorta expected worse, I mean it was in all those places before although I hoped for better.  My Dr. advised we cannot wait any longer for my platelets to come back and I will be getting treated on Monday.

Side note –  Tim was a nervous wreck!!  Any caregivers out there??  Yes I am sure there are plenty reading this and you rock!  It is so hard on both side! What made me laugh was the fact that the results were about me and I am the one calming him down, getting him water and trying to get him to be positive.  hahaha how crazy??  The one Dr. called us p and j or something psychological??  I know I’ve been called type A but I’m not sure what she was referring to but whatever, we agreed sure.

Just found it funny…

Anyways, I’m tired. Long day along with other things.  I’ll have MUCH more to say tomorrow 😉   G’nite!

7 comments on “CT/PET scan day with results – update after this am video!

  1. kelly2632 says:

    You have many, many people in your corner!! PURPLE POWER!

  2. kristen says:

    Good luck!!

  3. Thank you ladies!!! 🙂

  4. Kelley Fox says:

    Ashley: Great article in Outreach!!! Hope all went well with the tests.

  5. Janice says:

    You are so brave – an inspiration for anyone fighting this beast. Prayers and hugs are sent from Ontario.

  6. Thank you Kelley!!! You are so sweet!!! 🙂

    Janice – thank you! It really tests you and your strength so thanks so much!!

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