VOTE. Vote to END cancer.

I voted. Did you?

haha.  We can all wish that we can vote it away right?  Damn.


OH.  Here is the blouse I’ve aaaaaalways have wanted to buy but just couldn’t justify a $200+ blouse just to wear for political reasons that some of my friends would argue with me about.  So I just admire it online…

Well after voting I figured hmm… I can either get some ice cream, crawl into bed and just cry/eat my life away.

I mean when you hear:

 Your Stage 4 pancreatic cancer is still in your pancreas, liver, lymph nodes, abdomen, cervix, stomach, bowels and on your ovarian cysts..Chemo WILL be administered Monday, no more time to wait.

…you don’t exactly smile.

OR not.

I went with the second option.  BRING IT ON.  I will not be defeated.  I have too much to do than sit and sob.  I actually have a life and a damn good one I am going to live, fabulously that is 😉  Apparently this cancer has NOT got the memo of who exactly is was messing with.

Anywho, my Tim has been a sick dude.  I remembered when I was first diagnosed he didn’t want me to see another human being for fear they had sickly germs that would hurt me and now I am living with a sickly guy.  It started Friday and we thought ok you’ll be over it by Sunday.  When we were in Philly we got him some meds and I even wanted him to stay back and not join us at the pancreatic event but he said “Ashley, if you can fight stage 4 pancreatic cancer, then I can go in the cold with a cold”.  Hmm.. I guess. But I’m superwoman doesn’t he know.  😉    I believe in the meds and soup and big beautiful bed with tv although it’s been a long time since I’ve had a cold.  When I get sick, I do it BIG.  Ha ok not funny.  But he’s a guy, typical guy who just cannot chill and it’s day 5 and he’s bad. Ugh.   I feel like I’m getting a little bit too. Not cool man!

How true! Well he won’t chill out in bed but he’s a baby 🙂

I ordered tickets to this country concert next month for a charity and after ordering it said to call this number for a $15 credit.  Normally I ignore all these things and cancel out because I just am not interested.  This time I thought hmm… why not.  I call, give em my info and BAM getting $15 check sent to me. Sweet.  THEN they try to talk me into something else which generally I do the no, no thank you, thanks anyway, still no, please stop asking but this time I listened and decided to try it.  Still not sure what I ordered but what I do know is that it was $1.  I have the info to cancel within 30 days AND I received another $20.  Woohoo!   I mean with the tickets I purchased I paid for the ‘cut the line’ whatever, I don’t like waiting and I paid for the reserved coat check so Tim (if he goes with me? ) will like the perks along with the extra $$ I got back!  Win-win  🙂

Random – I’ve been CrAaaaaving hot chocolate lately.  I mean, maybe the fact that its 30 degrees of COLDNESS out or the fact I like me some sugar every now and then, I don’t know.  I wish I could kick this craving.  It’s trouble.  I know some sweet spots here in DC where it’s just OH MY AH delicious!

Ok well I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful day where we come together as a country and vote and have the American pride, tomorrow 1/2 of americans will be angry.

Later! 🙂

2 comments on “VOTE. Vote to END cancer.

  1. becky says:

    Ashley, you are such an incredible person. I am so happy i found your blog. What an honor it is to follow you on your journey to getting healthy. I pray for you daily; the world needs you here. Stay strong.

  2. becky says:

    And i really think you should buy that blouse. Ha!

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