Cancer or cold….not both!

Chemo Monday

It’s Monday – back to blogging! 🙂  M-F operation 😉  Ok, I may through in a Sat/Sun every now and then.

Ok.  My weekend rant is that if one has cancer, they can’t get a cold.  My goodness! I was just sickly this weekend but a mix of head cold and stomach pain from the mass. I had that nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever minus the fever and taking extra meds…oh boy.  I mean if I wasn’t a druggy as it was. I sounded just a mess but unlike Tim, I can shake this quick.  It’s Monday and I’m feeling alright now. 🙂   Little cough, couple sneezes but I sound much better than I did.

That was my weekend!  Ok, well I did get out.  Let’s be real, it would be too nice to just stay home with my kleenex, meds, magazines, movies and hot cocoa.  Nope. Had to be out.  Went out with the girls to Eastern Market on Saturday (girls reading this – sorry I sounded a mess!!! 🙂  ) haha!  I did SO good and didn’t go spend crazy on everything that caught my eye.  Sunday was a waste of day in Fredericksburg in which Tim made up to me by buying my lots of presents.  I love love love getting new slippers, candles, pajamas, scarves oh and he threw in some earrings. It was a “sorry this Sunday didn’t go as planned” presents.

I did miss the football games and the NASCAR fight I’ve heard about…ah.  Amen for the internet! 🙂

So what now?

It’s CHEMO and BONE MARROW day.  I am actually currently sitting here getting chemo as I write this. I have had a change of drugs which we all know is because of my platelets in which went down AGAIN this week.  I haven’t had chemo in over 3 MONTHS because of my platelets.  This is why I am FINALLY getting my bone marrow biopsy that didn’t happen last week and they can find out just WHY  my bone marrow is so suppressed.  Why will it not rebound and of coarse the most important thing is the question of did the cancer spread to my bone marrow or do I have an auto-immune disorder?  I fear both obviously.  I mean if it spread to the bone marrow… well thats self explanatory.  An auto-immune disorder means the platelets are being killed by this as soon as they are made so they are unable to produce and stay alive.

I will get answers this week and in the meantime I am getting this less aggressive treatment (yes I know most pancreatic cancer patients get this and call it “hardcore”)  but it’s not compared to what I had.  I will learn the effects it has on me during this week. I will take home a pump that I will get continuously infused for a couple days.  I find this annoying! Yuk.  PLUS the symptoms of cold sensitivity and neuropathy.  Ugh.  Nothing better than a cold sensitivity treatment as we go in WINTER.  😦    For example, you reach into your fridge to grab something and you’ll feel it so I’d have to wear mittens.  Fun.

Ok well I have my amazing support team here with my (love my nurses, Tim, Madelyn!!! ) and I better visit with them.  I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! 🙂  ~Blog later!!  xoxo Ash

Waiting in the lobby, Tims bored and taking pictures…


Eastern Market Saturday 🙂


Pretty pic on Saturday… everywhere you turn in our little town you see our nice US Capitol 🙂