Bone marrow biopsy – check! New Chemo – check! plus home chemo…

^ This pic was taken Friday night at the Bill Engvall  (“Here’s your sign”)  & Gary Brightwell comedy show.  This show was AMAZING!!! SOOOO funny.  We sat 2nd row and I was SO embarrassed because I was literally crying from laughing too hard.  I was 2nd row so literally in front of the guys and was just praying they weren’t looking at me with tears flowing… hahaha! 🙂

So back to reality.  I’m on new chemo.  This folfax (5fu/oxilplatin etc) combo is much less potent than my last treatment but hopefully it’ll still be effective.  Yes many do say this is highly toxic and very potent with many side effects but this is because my last combo drugs were just so harsh most don’t understand.  I am currently on the chemo treatment right now by pump at home.  It was administered at the hospital yesterday of coarse starting at 7am then when it was done I had my biopsy in late afternoon then I went home to get hooked up again in the evening which will continue until late Wednesday night.

Of coarse this morning had to start with problems.  The machine started beeping and everything I tried wouldn’t stop it.  I finally got ahold of someone and the phone procedures provided no such help so a nurse came out to determine my port had blocked up and they had to reaccess me. What a pain.

My bone marrow biopsy!  Ok well after the oxycodones kicked in and some ativan they were ready to do the local anastetha which didn’t feel too good.  By the time they were done with anastetha the other drugs were sinking in and then they were ready to start the procedure the anastetha had kicked in and I was feeling goooood.  😉  I felt the dr. hitting my bone but I really could care less. My drugs made me feel fab and they could do what they wanted.  Tim even watched!  He normally cannot handle any medical situation involving blood but everything he has seen this far with me, I guess he’s gotten over it and watched the whole thing without passing out. 🙂
Then I was done but I wasn’t ready to leave. I was ready for a good 5hr nap.  I could barely open my eyes and walk. What a mess I was! haha.

This morning I woke up to a pile of blood.  I’m like really?!  Apparently between yesterdays incision and this new chemo which could make me bleed easy = incision bleeding overnight through the bandages, gauze and pajamas. Not nice.

This whole pump thing will take some time to get used to.  I get up to go do something and am pulled back…again and again… Oops!

Well I am just tired and crummy feeling and I hope everyone else has a great night!! I do have some very important people I need to mention this week… stay tuned 😉   xoxo

Bill Engvall

Not the best pic I took of him… I didn’t take many pics…