My spleen needs blood!! :(

My nephew (well bff son) and I at Detroit PurpleStride in Sept

^Can’t remember if I posted this one or not…but I haven’t taken new pics this week so I pulled one from 2 months ago 🙂  (Take new tomorrow)

I got some clarity today about my spleen and platelets. I spoke to my oncologist who advised the cancer is cutting off blood supply to my spleen and my spleen is taking my platelets and the loss of blood supply is causing my spleen enlargement.  Once again, NO SURGERY allowed!  Surgery to someone like myself who’s cancer has already spread is like putting gasoline on a fire. I really need my fire to burn out with water (we’ll call chemo) then to spread and increase.  I was told NO exercise, do NOT over excurt myself and to be CAREFUL.  No lifting, twisting, bending, running, etc.  She said I need to stop running around and “doing stuff”.  haha… wow. What a blow!  What bride doesn’t exercise before a huge day???? Oh, this one! Awesome.  I haven’t dieted, I haven’t “worked out”.  Grr!! I only quoted working out because some people say walking is working out but I believe it’s sweating in the gym and running 10 miles but to each their own! 🙂 I’ll just be a fatty.

To all my friends going out drinking tonight – be careful! Be safe 🙂   I sorta wanna partayyy but… I also want to be a home body. People don’t realize I’m not home enough, ever.  I go to the hospital, a lot, workkk and everything else.  Plus this pain is back at it. It’s ridic!  Oh, to clear things up.. I had a couple friends question why the other day I wrote I was fabulous following saying how I couldn’t believe I wrote that the next day because I was miserable all night.  So – at the time of my posting I was feeling FINE. Good, great, happy just fine but then a few hours passed and I got super sick so I updated how I felt that night. Got it?  I make no lies on here.  If I’m feeling crazy, you’ll know, miserable night… you get my point. No need to fake feelings in writing. 😉

Sooo…I accomplished more today being at HOME then yesterday out and about with my check list with times. Ha! Funny how that happens. The internet can be such a beautiful thing.  You can shop, basically order whatever you want from clothes to food to a gym membership, hell you can order a gym DVD then work-out from home. Who needs to leave home?  Oh! …us working people. 🙂

Random thought – last week someone I me approached me at the hospital with, “Hey! thats the girl that knows all the lyrics to Colt Ford songs!”  hahaha…. random… I love Colt Ford! I received his CD along with Taylor Swifts new one the day they both came out as a present, spoil me more! 🙂

Tomorrow is THANKSGIVING!!! Reminder for those who hadn’t heard….  I hope everyone has a great night tonight and a wonderful day tomorrow! 🙂  xoxo