Stop stressing, Ashley

Y’all have really touched me!!! I’ve had so many warm felt messages and messages of the loss of loved ones that have really hit me hard!  It’s tough reading those emails but I am also happy in those that follow and find hope in the awareness I am trying to achieve from my blog.  It’s been an emotional week as it was followed by the weekend equally emotional.  I’ve been a wreck I guess because of all the stress I’m under.  It’s been hard and I know how I am not suppose to be stressing because of the health problems it causes.  Lose-lose for me.  I planned on posting those amazing purple pics I got tonight but I will actually have to do it tomorrow.  I need to work on a project tonight and had a horrid day of sickness today and haven’t been home until now, craziness.  I will do it tomorrow when I’m back at the hospital again.  I have nothing better to do right?  Takes my mind off the things I need to get done here and thinking of all the poison being continuously injected into my mediport. I made a short video blog as well.  Tim, who doesn’t follow me haha, actually got on my blog the other day and was like “wow, you write too much, can’t you do those video things again so I don’t have to read all this, I like watching movies and I don’t read books”   haha!   Anyways – pics tomorrow, hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!! Platelet prayers for me! I also will pray nothing else goes wrong, like say my platelets go up but I have a reaction or something?  Ah!  No time for complications. I’ve got a tight ship to run! haha 🙂  It’s always somethin’ though…

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