Platelet prayers worked!! Chemo Monday for me!! :)

Join me on a journey in my hospital….

This was after I was accessed for chemo but had to visit my oncologist in which I was unaware but apparently she wanted to go over my symtoms from the last chemo and blood work to determine this chemo…

^ whats that?!?! Backkkk to my old chemo!!! Sure this does NOT sound exciting… Folfirinox is less harsh as my original chemo drugs which is has much more toxicity and harder on my body and my bone marrow, kidneys and liver. The fact that my platelets went up and and she believes my body is strong enough and can handle it, I feel awesome. It’s great news to be told you can do a hardcore regimen because I’m a hardcore girl… haha! 😉   I’m tough and I say bring it!

In life you need to be tough.  You should learn how to fend for yourself and make good decisions.  This is critical for a good life!  Many times you truly don’t know your strength until your strength has been tested and I’ve heard this numerous times as it relates to my situation.  I’ve always felt I am so strong and I have done so much without any help which has made me the kind of person I am and this year has really tested that and pushed me harder.

I’m getting too sleepy here at chemo… blog later!! xoxo

2 comments on “Platelet prayers worked!! Chemo Monday for me!! :)

  1. Shannon says:

    I think it sounds very exciting…I know you don’t enjoy the day long chemo session…but you will not be hooked up for two days now and as long as you feel ok…you can finish things you need to get down for your big day. So glad you platelets perked up and your spleen is hopefully healing…new prayers for tolerating your chemo with little or no sickness and that you Ca19-9 nosedives to 0:) Your big day is almost here…hugs to you, friend!

  2. Yeah not as long, just immediate side affects that stinks. Yes they took a CA19-9 test yesterday as well so I can find out how that is this week or wait until my next treatment. Now I am just hoping this shot won’t be so bad for me this week as I have too much to do still before Saturday! ahh! but I will pray and hopefully it’ll all work out without any bumps 🙂 Thank you friend!!!

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