Harder chemo + Neutropenia & Neulasta shot?

So yesterday didn’t go as planned eh?  I had my day configured with the shorter chemo and getting hooked up at home and doing other things but it NEVER goes as planned.  So!  What happened was I was accessed whenI got into infusion but was told I had to see my oncologist.  I was confused because I wasn’t aware of an appointment but apparently she threw it in there and told me that am.  No problem, at least I was hoping….?   So, by that time my blood work was back and I was told AFTER getting chemo 2 weeks ago my platelets went up!!! Highest they’ve been since August!  WoohoO! So, then she reconsidered my treatment and debated going back to the harder more aggressive drugs which I’ve handled so darn well and made her decision she would.  It was almost a toss up because what if this typical Folfirinox could do better for me?  But, I saw awesome results from the other which didn’t even finish its run time on me, it simply was my spleen issues which we had said so many times.  I was glad to go back to the harsher one because of what I just said, I’ve seen amazing results.  Obviously my health and youth help with having a harder regimen BUT I cannot stand when people say I have “youth on my side”.  Umm…. no!!  My cells are younger, smarter, developing faster which means things can progress faster so youth is NOT always helpful.

I found out I had Neutropenia?  Basically my white blood counts were too low prior to chemo,  I received chemo and now need a Neulasta shot.  Since leaving my house is the last thing I wanted to do today I will get the shot in the am.  I have a small window to get it in and hopefully its not as bad as the horror stories I have heard about because I have no time for achy bones!   The shot is intended to boost my white blood count because there are way too many risks in having a severely low white blood count and the slight risks the shot could have are insignificant to the risks of a severely low WBC.

Today has been…..terrible.  Actually even last night was miserable and trust me… I didn’t want company.  Don’t get it?   ha.. nevermind  🙂   I just felt crappy after getting the terrible Benedryl through IV, the chemo treatment lasts forever because of all the extra premeds you need for these drugs and you leave about 10lbs heavier from all the liquids you received for way too many hours. You just feel so crummy and can’t get comfortable.  Same thing all today.  Not a day in the park. All electronics have been turned off, well I spoke with 2 people (who read this so I’ll be honest and say other than you 2… no chit chatting here! 🙂   ) .   Tomorrow should be better lets hope.  Oh, thats another thing.  My meds include meds that keep you from getting sick for 5 days so yesterday and today I felt sick, but couldn’t get sick…gross.

I was happy to wake up to lots of water bottles laying next to my bed and someone went to the organic store to get me salad and crackers and my fav veggies. 🙂   It’s all about flushing this stuff out!!  Flush away because toxins and dead cells gotta go!  Also what a reflection my white blood count has from my diet!!   I’ve been stressing hardcore and out and about every day so my diet has been way off and horrid and it’s a clear reflection in all my blood counts this week!  I’ve gotta fix that if I want to stay on my harder chemo.  That will be easier for me after this weekend. 🙂

Have a happy Monday y’all!!!  Remember it’s still PANCREATIC CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!!!!!! Make sure everyone you know knows!!!! 🙂  🙂   We can beat this together!!


7 comments on “Harder chemo + Neutropenia & Neulasta shot?

  1. kristen says:

    You go girl! I hope the shot isn’t too bad on your bones either – it wasn’t bad for my dad, but he had the daily shot. 🙂 Good luck!!

  2. Yes I hope not! Curious though – are thinking Neupogen as opposed to Neulasta? I know Neupogen is a daily shot and not Neulasta….

  3. Shannon says:

    My mom had a rough time with the Neulasta shot…but everyone is different. Now she gets Neupogen for two days after chemo…luckily we are all good at giving insulin shots and since the Neupogen is sub cutaneous, she can get it at home. Hope you do well with the shot!

  4. kfalhaber says:

    Ashley, I hope you feel better tomorrow. I had to have the Neupogen shots twice and don’t want to do that again. My bones ached for a day. Hopefully you will be better than me. Keep Kickin hard!!💜

  5. Shannon – yeah exactly, I think thats what Kristen meant was Neupogen because Neulasta everyone says has harder effects. But hey I survived my bone marrow biopsy just fine so I won’t worry! 🙂 Thank you!! I’ll let you know! I pray for your mom daily, tell her I said “Hi!”

    Ken – yeah I am getting a different shot but lets hope its not bad! 🙂 You know I will be kickin it out of me 😉 Thank you!!!

  6. Shannon says:

    My mom was really touched that you would think of her…she is glad things are falling back in place for you! I hope you aren’t have too much achiness today! Sending you healing prayers and hugs!

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