Long day… short post….

Ahhh the setbacks on having cancer.  I am packing and making check lists of what I have and what I need and you don’t realize how much you physically bend over to pick up things, put down, grab this or that and for me… it takes quite a toll.  I start gathering everything and putting everything in totes to transport and it comes right back to hurt me.  First of all it looked like Christmas here (minus the wrapping paper) with all the boxes that I had in the mail, recall me ordering everything and the conveniency of online shopping? haha!  Then it catches up to me and I feel like a basketball is coming out of my left side of my abdomen.  It’s that spleen area, same area as the pancreas, that kills.  I certainly don’t want to rupture it or have another spleen episode, I mean I’ve done that already no need for another try.  So I’m stuck laying down and popping oxycodone to alleviate the pain.  It’s frustrating but I know it’s my everyday battle that I have to continue to fight in order to beat the demon.  I can’t let the stress or pain get to me.  It’s hard though, something not many my age can even think to comprehend.

Debating on going to the hospital tonight, I say no, Tim says yes.  Just need something a bit more potent in the pain management department.

Hope ya’ll had a good Thursday! xoxo