It’s a nice day for a …. White Wedding :-)

photo-22Wedding day arrived on Saturday!!!! This weekend was full of craziness, chaos, dancing and memorable moments with no sleep. The girls and I had said we would do a video blog but it was too chaotic that we forgot… oops! 🙂

I had the longest week ever last week and weekend with only few hours of sleep in all the days combined so I will have to write tomorrow!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!! xoxo

~This bride 😉

8 comments on “It’s a nice day for a …. White Wedding :-)

  1. Erin says:

    dont you look just lovely! congratulations!

  2. Teresa Sims says:

    You are so beautiful…………….Congratulations!!!!!!!! Love, love all of the news. Get some much needed rest.

  3. You are beautiful, inside and out, Ashley – Congratulations to you and Tim!

  4. Shannon says:

    So Beautiful, Ashley! I am so glad that you had a great weekend. Many blessings to you and Tim for a long, happy, healthy life together! ♥

  5. angel ramirez says:

    you are sooo beautiful!!! i am glad you had a great day

  6. monica923 says:

    Gorgeous. Wishing you the very very best.

  7. So beautiful. Congratulations to both of you ❤

  8. Carmen Shafer says:

    Congrats to you and Tim! You look like a princess!!!!!!

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