Anxiety, November apologies & Your PURPLE pics!!


Ok, I have a secret that those close to me know of but those of you just following my blog probably don’t and I will share it.  I get very overwhelmed (internally that is)  and major anxiety when things are in disarray in my life. I am the type that needs everything very organized, clean, everything in it’s spot and to be on top of things.  I can’t throw things in a closet, drawer or tote and call it good.  I’ve always been like this and to get to the nitty gritty of what I’m talking about you would probably think I am crazy (or crazier 😉 ) but it’s all good.  It’s nothing you’d notice if you came over and hung out with me! haha I am very aware but it may help explain things. I’m sure a psychologist would diagnose it as something but I am fine with how I am, I simply get my stuff together and it calms my anxiety.  PLEASE don’t get me wrong….  I don’t walk into homes that have things all over and think “oh wow, this place is ridic”  haha! No way!  This is my personal problem for my things.   This year has been obviously challenging but also like I can’t get to the top of ladder no matter how many steps up I take up.  I have so many unread e-mails from probably some of you reading this right now, unread fb messages or some even read but I hadn’t replied.  Last month was such a chaotic month for me.  I had a ton to accomplish.  I have medical appointments, chemo, lot going on that I don’t write all about but we go through privately along with the holidays.  There was Thanksgiving, weddings, our house construction,  Tim’s business, a lot hurt feelings and relationships I had to end with people and every day life. Along with those things, it took a toll on my body. I was hurting more throughout the day and that is when my left-sided (pancreas/spleen) pain started.

Now November is over, wedding is over and the year is coming to an END.  I could not be MORE excited!!!!!  I just want to talk about 2013 every day!! I have great things planned, great things I want to accomplish and will do my part 120% in making it the best year E.V.E.R!!!   I will catch up on the things I let slip by last month so I can start a clean fresh year. 🙂

So… with all of that said, one of the things I let slip was the purple for a passion that I was getting the word out on Nov. 17. I received a ton of pics that I hadn’t posted yet and wanted to share them. NOTE – I tried to find most of your pics!! I know I am missing some that I couldn’t find and I truly apologize to those that sent me them and are thinking “hello?!  you left me out!”

I received many pics from those of you I know and you know I love you dearly and those of you I don’t in which meant the world to me!!  It’s the little things in life that matter so much to so many.  For myself it’s people doing something little for pancreatic cancer.  Quick story – the other night my neighbor girl texted me wanting to show me her dress she was wearing to a school formal.  She came over and I thought she was beautiful as always and then she show’d me her purple ribbon she had pinned on and the bracelets she was wearing!! I felt so honored and it meant so much to me!!  Once again,  you all are amazing and I already know together with all of your help more people know about pancreatic cancer in 2012 and we need to let even more people know in 2013 so that the WORLD can become aware and help us.  Help us get the research to improve these statistics! Help us to get research by providing funding and awareness! Purple is a beautiful color for all genders, you know 😉


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