But you don’t look like you’re getting chemo or have cancer…


^ Got bored….what can ya do….


Ok, no the cancer isn’t gone, that’d be celebration of a lifetime you can bet that BUT my blood work was all up!! All counts in the normal range and those darn platelets that hadn’t worked with me in months went up to the highest they’ve been since the Spring!!!!

I am currently sitting here getting infused.  I’m on social media sites trying to waste time and everyone in the hospital has asked to see my pics, haha! I am trying to keep occupied because A – I hate being here and B – I get so bored. I stayed awake almost the entire night just so I’d sleep the miserable day away and of coarse I’m wide awake. Go figure right?

Treatment appt start at 7am, got my amazing blood work results and the nurse advised “You need to go see your Dr. (oncologist) now!”  I’m like wait, what?!  whaaat did I do???  I left, accessed of coarse, to see my Dr. and she just wanted to go over things.. basically for now I am seeing her every time I get chemo as opposed to making a special trip here which is always helpful. She just wanted to go over my blood work, treatment, drugs & dose.  Most importantly, how am I doing!   She advised again “You are on the toughest chemo and you are tolerating it so well, this is not a normal pancreatic regimen and people normally don’t handle this like you are and you look so good!”  Who doesn’t LOVE hearing nice things from your doc??  She feels after all these months that my cells are still sensitive to the chemo and therefore working.  This is an unusual case, I get that, so would the results or effects on me be typical whatsoever?   Right?!

I’m basically Iron Woman when it comes to cancer.  You can choose to believe it or not… but I will WIN this fight, the proof is in the pudding… 😉

Update – shortly after starting the post, Benedryl came and knocked my butt out! Not for too long but a nice cat nap!   I have 11 1/2 hours done… cannot WAIT to get out of here!!! I am feeling that nasty gross feeling of chemo, cannot describe it into words just know it’s horrible. I am ready to be home curled up in my bed loaded up on water to flush my kidneys and liver and body of the toxic.

The last chemo my dosage was lowered because of my blood counts, although they were better and I could up my regimen my doctor didn’t think I could go 100%.  After going over symptoms, feeling and how I looked along with my results they brought my dose back up…let’s attack you hard!!!    This will test me even more because the feeling makes me want to rip my eyes out! I will be down tomorrow but hopefully can rebound shortly thereafter.

Happy Monday everyone!!
xoxo ~Ash

PS… I may shut down my blog.