Well, you answered my “To continue blogging?” question…


Why I do what I do….

Ummm….. WoW!  I was NOT expecting the feedback that I received yesterday.  I received the most the most heartfelt e-mails and of coarse your sweet comments to boot! I certainly wasn’t asking for it, kinda just making everyone aware or just putting a feeler out if you will to seek advise and wow, you spoke and truly reminded me why I started this and what I want to accomplish with this!  I could not be more thankful and words could never express my true gratitude that I have for you all!   Thank you!!! 🙂

I’ve started this ALMOST 3 months ago and I saw today over 20,000 hits??? That’s amazing!  I am not looking to gain any type of internet fame here, this is promoting pancreatic cancer for goodness sake so I am trying to get a message out and so far I think it’s working!!  I would have never guessed in a million years nor would have believed a sole if I was ever told I’d be fighting for my life at a young age with the worst cancer out there or starting a blog in bringing awareness to the cancer but if this is what God wants me to do then I will do my best and if you don’t give up on me, I will not give up on you!

So it’s Wednesday!  Wonderful, wacky, hump day… whatever you want to call it Wednesday!!  I almost forgot I had a ton of hours of chemo the day before yesterday! I feel fine.  Apparently this is why my doctors think I’m crazy and don’t understand anything about my case… ha!

I want to clarify something about chemotherapy.  I get asked often “What chemo are you on?”  “Your chemo seems to be so effective, what drugs are they?”   etc.  Like I’ve said many times, I’ve been getting treated differently because of the severity of my cancer as well as my prior health and age.  I know many people who have had amazing success on Folfirinox, Folfox, Gemzar, Gemcitibine etc.   Always trust your doctors because what may work for someone may not work for someone else. There are people that don’t even respond to specific chemo drugs that others have the most success on, it truly is up to the individuals cell make-up and the doctors are the ones to determine what will work on you or your loved one.  I’ve often thought that maybe a different regimen or a lower dose or less harsh therapy might work even better because I know killing my immune system or getting a treatment that could have severe long-term effects is not something I long for.  I also like to stress that in conjunction with chemo other variables that are important is your attitude, being active, diet, exercise, faith and trying to keep stress and worries out of your life.  This is pertinent!  Those are my secrets so you can do what you will with that. 🙂

So, there really is never a dull moment in my life… EVER!  For example, my “superman” husband as most people refer to him as because he’s genius when it comes to anything technical (meticulous home building speaking) and mechanical, comes home yesterday complaining he’s about to die from back pain and of coarse I have to take care of him with all my medicinal and home remedies I’ve learned this year.  He then proceeds to heat up a sandwich that he had in the fridge while not opening the sandwich up prior to throwing it in.  What happens?  He catches the microwave on FIRE because he didn’t open the sandwich up to see it was wrapped in tin foil!!!  ahh!!   If you want to forget you have cancer or the fact you just had grueling chemo yesterday, make sure you surround yourself with people or things that keep you busy and on your toes, works every time!

Today was a scheduled day off of work.  I figured I’d need another day of recovering but thankfully I feel fine!  I even feel like I had an extra pep in my step from you all believing in me and even saying that I’ve helped you! I cleaned like crazy, wrapped presents, did all my laundry and dishes, Tim’s business invoices, sent out of the last of my cards and so much more.  It’s only 5pm.. so much more to accomplish! So long ya’ll! 🙂

I hope everyone had a great day!!!

xoxo ~Ash