

Patience. They say patience is a virue right?  I try to be a very patient person because it’s a very good quality and the older you get, generally, the more patient you become.  My patience was tested today with several things.  It was tested when I went out on a brunch date and my date made a phone call almost immediately after getting to the place and left me to eat alone for an hour.  It was tested while waiting at a store in line for over an hour to pick up 1 single thing I already paid for (that they tried to charge me $891 for but I paid $20 online, say what?!).   It was also tested when I saw a screw in my tire after the long amazing (sarcastic tone) day I’ve had.  I am not the type to get worked up easily and having this trait really helped today.  I mean, working 9-1-1 you do learn how to calm your nerves in any situation.

When you have cancer, your patience will be tested.  You will endure a roller coaster ride of your life and many times you will find that if you are  patient, things have the tendency to work out.  I know I’ve had to remember this in my journey.  I had times where I tried so hard to do a holistic approach to work with my chemo and to eat the right foods, take supplements, get the adequate exercise and sleep needed to boost my immune and blood.  Then, I’d get my blood drawn and would be so let down and heartbroken because I felt like I failed.  I know many will say I don’t have control or doctors will say there is nothing I can do,  I don’t believe this but I try to remain patient and keep trying.  If you you’ve been on an uphill and start the downward slope, always try to take the ride as smooth as you can.  This can and will really test your  patience, limits and strength and even your ability to think clearly.

It’s been a long day for me and I’ve been patiently awaiting for this time today – nighttime, pjs  & relaxing!  I hope you all had a good one!!

xoxo ~Ash

One comment on “Patience…

  1. Shannon says:

    That sounds like a trying day for anyone! Patience is a virtue and you are right about having to deal with constant ups and downs…but that does not mean that you need to be perfect all the time. We do our best every day, whether we are fighting cancer or not…that is all we can do. I hope your holiday’s will give you peace, comfort and joy! Hugs!

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