Pancreatic Cancer Bill – BREAKING NEWS!!


It’s the end of the world as we know……. and I feel fine!!!   Anyone know that song?   haha!

Wait, the world didn’t end?!?!  Damn.  When I was at my worst at the first of this year I always remembered ‘Well, the world is going to end 12/21 so when I pass away, I will see everyone very soon’   No of coarse I didn’t believe it was truly ending but I figured, well if it does….   and that made me feel better!

I was SO ecstatic today when I received a message early this afternoon advising the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act that has changed names to the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act has passed in both the U.S. House and Senate!!! The final step is to go to the President’s desk for his signature which according to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network is expected to happen before the end of the year!! This is amazing for people like me who are facing this or those that will face pancreatic cancer in the future and this could change the statistics and increase the survival rate!  We all know everyone looks at pancreatic cancer as a “death sentence” and I didn’t even know what a pancreas or pancreatic cancer was a year ago when I was as sick as I was.  I have never met or heard of anyone that has the severity as I do especially at my age and I certainly do not believe I am going anywhere! 80% of people die within the first year of pancreatic cancer, I’ve had this over a year so I am already in the 20%.   My next goal is the 5 year mark which will put me at only 31yrs old… wow!  30 seems like a ways and such a milestone and to reach 31 years old and to survive pancreatic cancer at 5 years by then, simply amazing.

So anyways, now PanCan has asked everyone to write to your members of Congress and thank them for their support as well as the President to let him know we want his support when the bill arrives.  I live in the District of Columbia so I can just hand deliver them to him if you want…. ok?   haha!  😉  That would be amazing if he could understand how important this is to me.  I understand I don’t look like I’m about to die tomorrow and it may be hard to believe I have what I have and what a severe case I have but my doctors would tote with me.. ha! 🙂   Seriously though, I will be writing as I did with the local newspapers.

This is amazing and I am SO excited for 2013!!!   For all y’all that thought I was crazy for canceling my Miami trip and skipping the American Country Music Awards… ha!  You can think I’m crazy but I have no regrets with what I have in store this coming year….   This will be my year!   You’ll see 😉

I hope everyone has one fabulous weekend!

xoxo ~Ash