Happy December 26th!!! :)


^ This is Elijah… my husbands cousins child that we saw tonight… can you say CUTE??   He loved the tractor we brought him tonight and we bought him it knowing he loves combines, dump trucks etc but goodness I didn’t know he owned everyone out there…. haha!! It was soooo cute!!! He’s just precious.  🙂

Ahh…. I love today!!!!  I love Christmas.  I love the season and what it means and the spirit, shopping, music and generally people.  The past few years has been different.  People have been more stressed out and it seems as if there is more drama in families.  I wasn’t even invited to the Christmas party on my parents side this year which says a lot but in the end I was at partys on the other side of my family and had an amazing time!  No sitting around talking about people which is actually a deflection off ones self…  we instead made fools of ourselves in the games we played and had a great time and I was in a LOT of pain… from laughing!! 🙂  Perfect!

Today is great because although the month was full of happiness for me, it’s also good to take a load off my back with the holidays and all the events.  It’s done and today was my day to SHOP!!!!  I went shopping with 2 of my favorite people and we did our fair share to say the least! I hit some amazing sales.  I joked that I found the cure to cancer!!! SHOPPING!!  Ok not a cure but it took all my pain away seeing those awesome red tags and 70% off signs! I was all smiles 🙂   We hit the Meridian Mall and a few places after and finished the some yummy not-so-good-for-you food in Williamston, MI.

Tonight was spent at a family members house and we had a great time as always!  Bad part of the day?  Driving 20mph back from the mall and to the family members because of the SNOW!!! I said I love the white stuff, I truly do.  I love all seasons and appreciate them and make the best of them all.  I do not like driving in the snow snow especially the first real snowfall for the year where Michigan drivers forget how to drive in it, they eventually remember after a while but I reeeeeally want to make it back to Washington, DC.  I’m not worried about my car getting hit (maybe while parked, I don’t need an injury) because I’m in the market for a new FORD but… I need to make it home sweet home!

Pretty sure my Oxycodone and Dilaudid are kicking in….hope everyone had a great Dec 26th!

xoxo ~Ash