See ya Michigan…heading back to Washington, DC aka HOME


Heading back home!! Oh goodness… I am still in the car after 11 hours and only a couple more to go! We’ve been making good time with only 1 stop to let the dogs do their thing just like Sunday. Although throughout this trip I’ve heard Tim talk about how he needs a new F-350. He of coarse won’t sell his F150 but wants to sell my Ford Explorer… Hahaha what a funny guy right? Not happening. He’s got more convincing to do for a truck though.

My dogs are amazing. They’ve been traveling across the country since they were pups so they are used to it and the best travelers ever. They just lay down and sleep in the back the entire time we forget they are there.

We should be home at 9pm unless we stop for dinner quick then it’ll be 930-10p then I will unpack my whole SUV as quick as I can so I can get in and jump in my bed to relax!


One comment on “See ya Michigan…heading back to Washington, DC aka HOME

  1. Shannon says:

    Hope you made it back safe and sound! Sleeping in your own bed is like a gift after being away for so many days! Enjoy!

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