Faking cancer?! well we made it home!! :)


^ Beautiful bracelet I got from my inlaws that I will wear everyday along with my purple band and the necklace they got me.  🙂  Love!

Tim gave me something to think about.  Well, first he said I need to start marking all my pics so people don’t steal them or stop stealing them which I agreed.  Then he brought up a show we watched were people had online relationships for a length of time and they convince them to meet in person and (SHOCKER!!) they weren’t who they said they were.  He said, what if someone is out there pretending to be you and collecting money on your behalf and using your pics and info.  Hmmm….. what a sick thing!  I have heard of that woman a long time ago who faked having cancer to raise money for her wedding… that is just sickening! Can you imagine if I said, ok jokes off!  I’m really A-ok! This was all for attention!  I’d be shot.  I’d love to get my hands on that woman! Not really but this is NOTHING to even joke about! Thats disgusting!! I know in my work I’d receive calls from people who had received calls about donating to something or asking for their social security numbers.  Never ever give that kind of info out over the phone or to someone you don’t know and always do your homework for charity work.  I guess I really couldn’t stop anyone from pretending to be me but I can mark my pics at least.

So we made it home Friday night! Thankfully!  All went pretty good but it’s always close to home when most things happen right?  This came true for us.  We were driving on the beltway (highway around DC that travels from MD to VA) and a was watching a car approaching us in my side mirror going pretty fast.  We were going at least 75-80 and he made us look like we were stopped so they had to be going 100+ and I thought “huh, he’s in a hurry, I wonder how he’s going to get over with those cars in front of him and to the side with the cars merging next to him”  and I thought this because I’ve watched cars drive fast and crazy and weave through cars in and out before but as I thought this we continue to drive and BAM!  All you see is smoke and the car went from the slow lane across 5 lanes and back spinning the entire way and hitting a few cars in between.  I’m like Hey! Thats the car!!  Tim’s like what car?  And I told him what was going through my mind as I watched the car zoom past us.  It was just a mess with everyone stopping but we watched the car to see what was going to happen and he literally gathered himself like a NASCAR driver and took off!  Unbelievable!   He hit I don’t know how many cars and hit with an impact but left like it was just another day.  Enough people stopped to the people possibly injured so Tim tried to catch the guy who caused the accident and he was long gone.  It was probably hot.

That was all the action we had on the drive home.  Crazy DMV people! We ran into some snow but it was fine to drive through.  That would suck to be kickin a$$ on pancreatic cancer and then not make it home from someones stupidity.  I love going places, traveling, vacations but it’s always good to be home!

Feeling tired tonight….

Tomorrow I will recap 2012 and post some of the fun videos and pics from this last trip of the year! 

xoxo ~ Ash ♥