Look into my eyes…. ;)




First off… why did I write Happy New Years 2x yesterday???  New YEAR not years… haha, it was all the bubbly from the prior night ok?  😉

Funniest thing I heard today  “If I had a penny for every time I heard someone compliment you about your eyes, I’d be RICH!”  stated Tim.   hahahaha!!!  My eyes are bla, whatever, just eyes.  Today some guy said “What color are your eyes? They are gorgeous!”  I don’t know, they change.  Some days they are blue other days they are green.  I mean, if people want to stare at my eyes … take a pic and stare away baby.  hahah 🙂  I get a lot of compliments on my teeth and eyes.  It’s nice, what girl doesn’t like a compliment?  I do NOT WHITEN MY TEETH.  I get asked that allllll the time!  No no no and no!  They are what they are.  I’ve never been a coffee drinker or soda so maybe thats part of it?  I don’t know.  My teeth are also so very sensitive and always have been and I’ve been told “Use sensodyne” or whatever the sensitive toothpaste is.  No thanks. I like mine.  I’ve used the same kind for years and it works for me.

Well for christmas, besides a cure I really wanted a ‘Real good tan’ but sadly did not get that either.  Of one my favorite christmas presents was a Vermont Teddy Bear I received.  I opened the box and there was a big teddy with 2 sets of matching pajamas which I found way too cute!!  Too bad they weren’t purple right??   Teddys pajamas have “Teddy Thiel” embroidered and mine say “Mrs. Thiel”.  haha!  Love it!  Oh, did I mention Teddy is 4 1/2 FEET?  Big boy! He looks about as tall as me but I’m not that short. 🙂

Is it weird I have a million things I could write about tonight pertaining to my thoughts and pancreatic cancer??  I find it funny but I will share them one day at a time this week.

That’s all for today… today was busy and it’s time to just relax with my tea and book.

Oh! One last thing, the other day when I wrote the longest post ever on NYE  and when we were out, my ears were BURNING! I never had my ears so hot before!  I believe someone must have been talking about me or maybe 2 people (haha) because they were on fire!

xoxo  ♥ ~Ash

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