Chemo Monday…. CA19-9 Results… Pancreatic cancer….

So it’s CHEMO MONDAY!! OH BOY!!!!!  Ok, let’s do caps and some exclamation points and hopefully you can feel my exaggerated excitement! 😉

I had a great weekend!! Did the last of the Christmas stuff with a light tour and events I had tickets to.  I like to pamper myself the weekend before chemo…. just because…  so I did.

I’ve been dreading this day.  I try not to think about it but once it’s the weekend before I can’t help but think of it.  Even after this long it doesn’t get any easier, in fact I think I dread it more.  I just hate sitting for a ton of hours.  I get so big and you can even see it in my face when I take pics the day of chemo I just get all puffy and then start feeling gross.  I really dislike my premeds that make me pass out.  It’s crazy how instant it is.  Once the bag starts it hits me like a ton of bricks and I can’t even keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try.  I know in my earlier chemo days I thought this was cool because I could waste the time away by sleep as opposed to staying up and trying to keep myself entertained.  I find it too noisy to read a book.   In any case, I just don’t like it but my CA19 results made everything a bit easier today.  I had my last CA19-9 (pancreatic cancer blood test) done the last Monday of November and never did find out the results because I had a bad feeling about it and had upcoming events that I didn’t need the extra stress and anxiety from the news.  I found out the news today…

What girl with pancreatic cancer that metastasized everywhere has a CA19 number of 21?????

That’s right.. this one!!! 🙂  TWENTY-ONE!   I was thrilled because I have never had my number this low!!! A normal healthy cancer-free person can have a reading of anywhere between 0-35 and that is normal.  My body thinks it’s normal again!! I always say my body is confused because it functions the same as before… a normal healthy 27 year old girl.  I do have chronic pain on my left side that I am pretty used to and is controlled by pain meds and the mass in my tummy that makes it stick out otherwise, I would never remember I was sick until chemo.  Things have changed so much from last year and fall 2011… all for the better.   2013 is going just how I had planned so far! 🙂

It’s about 6pm… means I’ve been here about 11 hours… ready to go home already!!  Not sure how much longer I have here but it shouldn’t be too much, maybe an hour or 2.   I have started the year with pure positive energy, still remaining positive as I have, having confidence in myself and in my doctors and treatment.  It’s working.  Prayers are working from you all.  It’s a working combination clearly, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. 🙂

Ahh… good 2013 Monday.  This comes after my “Do I haaaaaaave to go to chemo?!?”   I DREAD chemo!  Have I mentioned that before?  Maybe you forgot.  I dread chemo!  I have a birthday that isn’t too far away and I get to celebrate it here!!! YaY me!!  I spent my birthday here last year so I really wanted to keep the new tradition…… not.  But the party will be in infusion woohoo! 🙂  Ok, about time I get to doing…something.  Words with friends I suppose.  I’m not sure why people play me in that game, at least they are all good sports and not poor losers right?  hahaha…. 😉

xoxo ~Ash ♥ ♥

PS:  I read on twitter that Aquarius people are VERY sarcastic.. haha!  I don’t know astrology, I like reading mine though, it’s fun 🙂

5 comments on “Chemo Monday…. CA19-9 Results… Pancreatic cancer….

  1. Becky says:

    Love the ca19 news 🙂

  2. jrcruse says:

    I am an Acquarius also!! Feb 1. I can be sarcastic…there can be strength in that. Sure is a long day!!! Grateful for the wonderful CA-19 number. The most important number is how you feel. Other than the post chemo days, which not many people can realize how difficult that can be!! No wonders…no one could possibly look forward to that. My husband usually watched tv or looked over his emails when he wasn’t sleeping from the drugs. You are Amazing with a beautiful Spirit. I feel like I am seeing “the Soul”! Must be the Acquarius in you! (((Hugs))). Jane…💜

  3. kfalhaber says:

    Great news Ashley!! Keep that positive attitude going.

  4. Pat says:

    Thanks for your blog and positive energy as I lay here not feeling too great on my off week of chemo. I had the whipple 2010 followed by heavy duty chemo for six months. Did fairly well for 18 months and now back in chemo because it spread to my lungs.
    Am I able to email you to ask some additional questions? I love your mindset it’s encouraging. Let’s keep kickin cancer.

  5. Thank you Becky!!

    Ken – Thank you as always!! You are the best! 🙂

    Jane- You are so sweet!! I agree with the most important thing being about how you feel! I never even think about my CA19 numbers or my CT scans because I always go by how I feel as opposed to what the doctors say. I was nervous this time because of my chronic pain but I am still doing so well for being this far along at this stage, so for that I’m thankful! 🙂 I appreciate your sweet words!!

    Pat – Yes, you can e-mail me anytime! 🙂 I know it can be hard at times to be positive and think of the future when things are so day by day but its the only way to be. If you are having a bad day then rest, take it easy and know tomorrow is a new day and tomorrow will be your day. Let’s keep kickin’ it!

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