The day after chemo….

Photo on 1-7-014

Oh as much as chemotherapy sucks I must say that the day after isn’t any easier.  I feel like I received 200% of my drugs yesterday.  The day didn’t seem as long, a typical 12 or so hours, but seemed to go.  I felt like crap by the end.  Today I feel MUCH worse, as usual.  It’s hard.  I feel so big and cannot eat or drink yet I know I have to hydrate hydrate and then drink some more water.  Everything sounds gross and tastes equally as bad.  I’ve been trying to drink as much as possible and Tim has made me popcorn just for some calories.  I do like my chemo days on Monday because I can have a nice weekend prior, get it over with at the beginning of the week and have a fabulous weekend following chemo.  My post is short and sweet today because I feel dead to the world and my bed and water with lemon along with some movies is all I need for a good Tuesday.  Don’t worry, I should be better tomorrow and have to go to the hospital for an AM appointment so I will have to leave this fabulous bed of mine, haha.. what a shame huh?  I even have real work to do, goodness.   With that said, I have to remember my CA19 was an awesome 21, I have to get scanned soon to see how the cancer is doing everywhere else throughout my body…. 2013 is still mine! 😉   Have a great night!

xoxo ~Ash

3 comments on “The day after chemo….

  1. Pat says:

    Just rest tomorrow is another day. It’s nice that you blogged and we -all appreciate it but it’s okay to have your time. The day after my chemo is good because of the steroids but the recovery week off is the worst. Stay strong and get your rest. Do they hydrate you while you are receiving chemo?

  2. jrcruse says:

    Thinking of you!!!! Maybe try some fresh berries. (((Hugs))) from MI!

  3. Pat – yes I get hydrated 🙂 my day after is normally the worst then I can rebound quick and am fine

    Jane – Thank you!! 🙂 I do love fresh berries in my yogurt or oatmeal Hugs!!

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