Life is a gamble…


Whoop whoop I am back! 🙂  I was good yesterday and even better today.  Always be positive and count your blessings every day!

My stomach has felt like a bottomless pit today!  My goodness! I try to drink more and think the ol’ ‘you are really thirsty but your body thinks its hungry’ thing but that hasn’t worked.  I’ve been hungry! I eat slow, healthy, drink more water that I need and I’m still hungry! haha… it happens.  I have these days every now and then.

Great quote I heard today:

God created us different. We all have something we’ve been destined to become. Don’t try to be like someone else and leave who you should have been behind. No two people are the same, so strive to be you.”

It’s true!  I know I’m very different from anyone else and I never take the beaten path.  I believe in emphasizing on your own unique traits and what makes you different.  I have so many different quirks and things that make me different.  Since last year I have been on a path I never would have ever dreamt I’d be on in my life and I don’t have any friends my age that is traveling the same one but I have found more strength inside of myself than I even knew of.  It is a setback in my life, a major setback, but I will not let a setback defeat me.  Many people have setbacks in life.  Many people have lost their jobs and wonder how they will now provide for their family.  It’s hard but you will figure it out.  I feel I was meant to be a pancreatic cancer advocate.  I wish I didn’t have to experience it first hard to advocate it or experience it first hand at my age but I am.  It’s what I’ve been dealt.  I haven’t been dealt a good hand in life but I will take the cards I was given and make something out of them.

Know this song?

You got to know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when you’re sittin’ at the table.
There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done

It’s one of my all time favorites!  I’ve never been a gambling type.  I am pretty much the opposite.  Life can be a gamble though and you’ve got to know how to come through it.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!  Make the most out of every day! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley 💜


4 comments on “Life is a gamble…

  1. Sandy says:

    You look lovely. When you need a nutrition drink, some are fruit juice based and others are dairy based. I went to a PC conference several years ago and a dietician pointed that out. Some people tolerate one better than the other. She did say many people really like Carnation Instant Breakfast.

  2. jrcruse says:

    Thank you for your reply and for your positive energy!! I downloaded the song yesterday “Every storm runs out of rain” and I’ve been listening to it a lot. You inspire me!! You look great…glad you are feeling better!! “Embrace the Day”…I totally know how hard that is to do sometimes, but they are powerful words to keep coming back to!! 😊 Blessings!

  3. Thank you Sandy! No I don’t drink any nutrition drinks, I actually make my own and I keep dairy out of my diet. 🙂

    Jane – Glad you like it!! 🙂 I love it and its simply so true. Thank you, I feel great! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Shannon says:

    Glad you are on the upswing, hope your weekend is wonderful! I love that you make a point of counting your blessings…it is amazing what it does to your frame of mind. We all have so much to be thankful for and when we start from a place of gratitude, we can only go up. 🙂 Hugs!

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