If I die young…

Hi!  I'm Ashley!  I am beating Stage 4 pancreatic cancer!

Hi! I’m Ashley! I am beating Stage 4 pancreatic cancer!

…bury me in the dress worn by Miss Washington during her talent…..  OMG Gorgeous!!!!!  – pic below.  I just love the Miss America, Miss Universe, Miss whatever.  I picture me up on stage with a platform of beating Stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  haha!  (I was pulling for Miss South Carolina buttt I loved them all!)   I just love beautiful and talented woman.  Oh –  Yes I LOVE bling bling  and sparkle!!! haha 🙂   I just love things that bling, sparkle, glitter and shine!  I know I’m a country girl and  LOVE sports but I’m still a girly girl!  I love diamonds. Diamonds represent faithfulness, love, purity, innocence, and relationships filled with love. It removes certain types of deviations in the aura, which can be best imagined as sort of voids, and diamond fills them with the pure energy of love. It inspires creativity, ingenuity, inventively,  Diamonds bring healing and there is nothing wrong with saying you love some bling!  I may not be rich with diamonds but seriously… the dress is so beautiful and I am dieing to find something similar to wear for my birthday dinner coming up!

It’s Monday!  I am back!  I blog Monday through Friday.   I had a GREAT weekend!  Nothing spectacular happened.  It was good though. I didn’t go out with the girls for laughs (maddie I know you are reading – still sad! 😦   )   I get so happy and so much energy simply by feeling good!! So many of you (people who may or may not be reading this) that have written me and just send such positive vibes and words just boost my energy every day! If I could help any of you, that’d be amazing!  My weekend was watching football with good company and a lot of cleansing.  No not any type of drink or laxatives but a cleaning cleansing.  I am a huge organizer and realized I have too much ‘stuff’.  When I first started working full-time at 18 years old while going to college full-time and living with friends and Tim, I was always buying things just because.  I was always buying things for my family and siblings and friends simply because I had all this money and I didn’t have many bills.  I had my rent and utilities split but it was maybe $800 a month and back then I was making that in a week or week in a 1/2 so I had all this extra money I didn’t know what to do with.  Now of coarse that money seems so little (to make) and I know what I should have been doing with it, but ya know… I was young and you live and learn.  Anyways, over the years I had a hard time giving up a lot of the things I had because I appreciate the value of money now and the fact that I spent $100 for each pair of work pants I have had a hard time parting with them.  Do I wear them?  Of coarse not.  I have bought new clothes weekly over the years but I have kept all the over priced pieces simply because I spent too much on them.  This doesn’t end with my clothes, I have a lot of things.  I have spent the last couple weeks, when I am not working, working on getting rid of things.  Please don’t get me wrong – I am NOT a hoarder.  I don’t have piles of things!

This has honestly made me feel so good to just get rid of it all.  Many people hold on to things because they are afraid of letting go.  Sometimes you just need to take a step back think about what you are holding on to. It could be a loved one you cannot let go, it could be of a relationship. This has been therapeutic in a weird way.  I feel my body feels good when things around me are cleared out.  I feel I am cleansing my life on the outside just as I am on the inside.

Sorry about the beginning… no I was not blogging about death… it was the first thing that came to my head when I saw that dress and of coarse with lyrics from a country song.

I hope everyone has had a marvelous Monday!! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley 💜

This dress:

Miss America Preliminary Competition in Las Vegas

One comment on “If I die young…

  1. jrcruse says:

    You totally inspired me…Again! I am going to get cleaning and purging some stuff, especially in the basement storage…ugh! I have been to yoga and I am feeling cleansed on the inside…ahh. I love that yoga is a practice and that you can always come back to your breath and follow that strength within.

    “Some people just come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.” You are one of those people for me!!!

    Thank you for sharing your strength and your enthusiasm this week:)


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