Thank your for educating yourself about pancreatic cancer…


^ Found this pic of us today from last September and thought I’d share it 🙂

Again, I want to thank all of you. I want to thank those of you that comment, those that send me e-mails or even have sent me 1 e-mail over the coarse of this 3 1/2 month blog and thank each of you that just read what I write because you care and those that say an extra pray for me.  I thank you! I know I have thanked you before but I could never thank you enough.  Why am I thanking you again?  No I am not looking for a huge increase in emails or responses it’s because I am more grateful that you may ever realize.

I appreciate those that have cared to learn more about pancreatic cancer and to those that want to get the awareness out because of what I have told you about pancreatic cancer and the hard honest facts.  THE TRUTH IS – If I can get pancreatic cancer SO CAN YOU!  Scary huh?  (The young healthy girl, ate well, avid runner, no family history, non soda drinker, no teeth problems – something Dr Oz said, never overweight, non smoker, occasional drinker…. girl)    There is NO early detetion.  There is no “lumps” you can feel for.  The fact is, if we don’t work together to get awareness out to get the research needed for this cancer to advance in survival rates by treatment then you may be diagnosed and you may not be lucky enough to live a year with it as I have.  A year at stage 4.  You could die from this cancer and then you will be upset that this cancer is so darn behind any other major cancer.  You could be diagnosed tomorrow or in a few years and you will want answers, you will want to know how this happened and why there hasn’t been any further advancement in pancreatic cancer in a half a century,  Sure it is slowly getting more awareness and slowly making progress but it’s got ways to come so even if you are reading this and have no connection to the cancer club, you know – the most unpopular club you could possibly belong in, the fact that you read what I wrote and know a little something about pancreatic cancer and can share with others, I thank you.

I hear people all the time talk about how they cannot believe their parent was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  These people are generally in their 20s.. 30s.. 40s.. speaking of their parents and I’m like hello?  You are speaking to me!  They are going through what I am but at a much older age.  They could be you!  It is sad when anyone is diagnosed with a life threatening disease but I can’t speak about those that I don’t know of. I can’t save the planet but I can get people to know what the purple bands worn on my right arm every day is for.

What does the pancreas do?

The pancreas is an important part of your body that produces important enzymes and hormones to break down food. Your pancreas is supposed to produce the right chemicals at the right time in the right quantities to properly digest food.

Can you live without your pancreas?

Sure you can.  You will become diabetic and live on pills like enzymes etc.  You can live without many organs but there is always a catch, you will have to take pills, have problems with this or that.  I’d rather have all my organs if I can help it and fix them.

I went from a 9-1-1 dispatcher/ tax preparer working on her CPA to a pancreatic cancer advocate.  I would say expert but I am not necessarily an expert.  One may say the doctor is the expert but I sure don’t.  I confuse my doctors on a daily basis so they aren’t experts or have experienced what I am going through first hand.  They can’t say how something will make you feel like say a specific chemo drug unless they have experienced it themselves but they try their best and thats all that matters.

The other day I was running around doing errands in northern VA and had parked next to a car, we both pulled in at the same time, and I saw on the back of her car she had a matching pancreatic cancer purple magnet!  I wanted to say something but thought it’d be weird.  That’d be weird right?  I didn’t.  I wanted to though!  What would I say, “Hey! I saw you have a pancreatic cancer magnet, do you know of someone who has pancreatic cancer?”   I don’t know… it didn’t make me happy.  It did in a way because I’m like ‘Yay! awareness!’  and then again  ‘oh no, another diagnosy’.

I just got home and I feel good good good!  Good workout today, good yoga, and it’s good to be home … at least it’s an hour before midnight…. Amen for DVR! Time for me to watch some American Idol – Yes!! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley 💜

4 comments on “Thank your for educating yourself about pancreatic cancer…

  1. jrcruse says:

    Hi Ashley…I can’t help but send you a message because I am so Grateful…too…for you and your positive energy!! Love the picture…at the Detroit Zoo:) I hope to meet you this year at the 2013 Pan Can walk!!

    I don’t think it would have been weird to speak with her, but it was not meant to be…maybe next time. I understand…She was probably feeling the same thing!

    My Foundation for the advancement of pancreatic cancer research, “Embrace the Day Foundation”, is working hard for you…for all of us…to bring Hope, better treatments…a cure!! We are still working on our website. My son’s friend, who is 20, is creating it and he is also busy in school…but he is good and passionate in helping since he grew up knowing my husband! Our foundation raised $31,000.00 in 2012 and 100% of the funds went to research at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit. We are not only proud, but passionate to keep working hard because I have experienced this first hand and there are many people that are connected to us all that care so much!! I love what the Dali Lama said, “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your journey, your pain, your joy with us all in your perfect Ashley kind of way. I feel like I know you, even though we have never met. We really are all connected…

    I remember how strengthened I was by reading the messages on Michael’s Caringbridge guestbook…Amazing that I was brought to your website by someone in Brazil, who was brought to our website by “My Crappy Pancreas” in SC. Love the internet…what a beautiful world of connectedness!!

    I love, love yoga!! Today I am hitting the gym with weights though. I watched American Idol yesterday…just to watch Keith Urban;)


  2. […] PS- A blog that we follow, Cancer Kickin’ Girl, just posted about educating yourself and spreading the awareness about Pancreatic Cancer.  There is no early detection with this cancer!  The anger and dismay resonates deeply with me.  The link is “Thank You for Educating Yourself about Pancreatic Cancer”. […]

  3. hoperays says:

    I follow your blog and love your positive attitude. Congratulations- your wedding post and pics were simply beautiful. I applaud you for sharing your journey and spreading awareness of Pancreatic Cancer. We absolutely need more awareness as that will be the only road that leads to action and hopefully a cure! I linked to this post in my “PS” on my blog, “Knitting Rays of Hope” as the reality pill in your post above spoke to my heart.

    We are a group of friends that have started loom-knitting hats for chemo warriors and recently expanded to babies in the NICU. Prayers & positive thoughts to you from us & many, many hugs.

    Sandra’s Visit

  4. george says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey, you are an amazing young woman, and an inspiration to all. When i hear people complain about mundane, insignificant things i want to send them to this site for a reality check. I also have learned more about p.c. in the past year and a half then i ever thought was possible, and Drs. will be the first to admit that they aren’t experts. My wife also “didn’t fit the profile”, but it happens.

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