I need beach therapy…

beachHello everyone!  I want to express my since apologies for not writing yesterday or will I be tonight.  I am simply exhausted and need to rest.  I’ve had new e-mails or I should say rather e-mails from new people which I am so grateful for but in terms to the question about my diet affecting my pain as a possibility, I can say it isn’t that.  I thank you for asking! 🙂   I do have a very clean diet and am very educated in many of the “cancer fighter” foods as well as easy to digest and I’m cautious of taking it easy on my pancreas.  I live an organic life and very balanced.  I will say I am ready to try acupuncture though!  It is time.  I think beach therapy will help as well…. 🙂

I will upload the video/pics this weekend and write all about last night and my weekend…. this weekend!

xoxo ~Ashley

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