Once is enough if you do it right…

Inspirational-quote-tamar20-30876737-1920-1200I saw someone post something to someone about the young boy who developed the tool for pancreatic cancer and I don’t mean to sound rude in a way but I was thinking… really? where were you last summer when we all heard about this?  Maybe it’s just me and not everyone heard but it was on the news last summer and we had talked about it at an event here in DC… just seems odd when people share old news.  Did you all know President Obama was re-elected?  No?  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 😉   Actually you know what gets me is my husband will come home and want to tell me something that he heard or spoke with someone about and it drives me BONKERS because generally it’s something newsworthy that I had already told HIM about…a week ago!!! I’m like are you kidding me?!

Today is just one of those days…. not a boring day… I wish! ha! I don’t know what that is like but it’s just one of those days…yup.

4 comments on “Once is enough if you do it right…

  1. Josh Barnes says:

    Yeah… Jack Andraka made the news again recently because he was invited to sit with the First Lady at the State of the Union. I think he will be at the PurpleStrides DC again this June. Keep hanging in there Ash! Mike and I think about you everyday!

  2. Yeah I’m aware of that but I am talking old articles. Thats good I mean, I’m skeptical of the accuracy of such a thing but hey every idea is great right. Anyways thank you and likewise! 🙂

  3. Bill Jones says:

    It won’t help us Ashley, but think how great it would be to have a reliable early detection Screen for PanCan.If they had that 5 years ago neither of us would be Stage 4 now. what baffles me is if this has promise why isn’t every PanCan researcher in the world trying to verify it ASAP. Screw the cost and the normal Red Tape and “get’r done”!

  4. Sandy says:

    I also noticed the story has been online several times this year. I think he has been honored by different groups.

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