RIP Bonnie Franklin

Well just as the title says… RIP.  We lost another known celeb from pancreatic cancer.  It seems  like it was yesterday I was blogging about her diagnosis.  It wasn’t yesterday but it was just 5 months ago… the day I started my blog.  I recalled seeing that she said she is staying positive and going to fight.  It’s an important thing to remain optimistic but unfortunately time and time again I hear of people being diagnosed and succumbing to the diagnosis within weeks to a few months.  I mean, 80 out of 100 people DIE in the first year of a (Stage 4) diagnosis and 95 out of 100 DIE within 5 years.  I am one of the 20 who have lived well over a year with a stage 4 diagnosis and I am counting down until the day I turn 31 or technically 31 and a 1/2 in which I will have battled stage 4 pc for 5 years, better yet the chemo worked and I became operable… that would be the dream.

I’ve been sick today… my stomach is so sensitive to food. Gross.

Have a great weekend everyone!! I have a busy one planned! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley