RIP Bonnie Franklin

Well just as the title says… RIP.  We lost another known celeb from pancreatic cancer.  It seems  like it was yesterday I was blogging about her diagnosis.  It wasn’t yesterday but it was just 5 months ago… the day I started my blog.  I recalled seeing that she said she is staying positive and going to fight.  It’s an important thing to remain optimistic but unfortunately time and time again I hear of people being diagnosed and succumbing to the diagnosis within weeks to a few months.  I mean, 80 out of 100 people DIE in the first year of a (Stage 4) diagnosis and 95 out of 100 DIE within 5 years.  I am one of the 20 who have lived well over a year with a stage 4 diagnosis and I am counting down until the day I turn 31 or technically 31 and a 1/2 in which I will have battled stage 4 pc for 5 years, better yet the chemo worked and I became operable… that would be the dream.

I’ve been sick today… my stomach is so sensitive to food. Gross.

Have a great weekend everyone!! I have a busy one planned! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley

4 comments on “RIP Bonnie Franklin

  1. Michelle Pearl says:

    I was just curious what type of pancreatic cancer you have? Is it adneocarcanoma (sp?)?

  2. Donna Cesare Ciallella says:

    I felt so sad when I read about her too. Keep fighting and positive!

  3. Sheron Stanfield says:

    Ashley, I admire your spirit. I have a brother in law that is fighting just as you are. He has an amazing spirit trusting in God. I pray everyone is blessed with a diagnose that the pc is operable or better yet a cure. Bless you and keep up the fight. You are important to a lot of people.

    Sent from my iPad

  4. Megan says:

    Ashley actually a friend of mine who is a doctor and who read your whole medical story thats on your blog says that you may actually have stage IV ovarian cancer rather than pancreatic cancer and therefore your prognosis is not tas dark as one may think!
    Do not lose your hope girl!

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