Good-Fun-Busy weekend :)


Me at Monster Jam


Bus at Monster Jam


Maddie, Shannon and I


Us at Monster Jam with grave digger in background


Grave digger at Monster Jam

Hello hello world!!! So I didn’t get to blog yesterday!! Sorry… busy weekend!! 🙂  I feel fabulous!!! Anxious to get my darn CT scan over with tomorrow AM… I can’t stand the catheter they inject because it hurts PLUS I just don’t like going to the hospital so I want to get it done and get on with my week before it’s chemo again.

Yesterday we went to the MONSTER JAM in Baltimore.  It was nice!  We haven’t been in years and I don’t know if it’s I’ve gotten older or what but it just didn’t seem as exciting as before or on tv, but hey whatever.. it was nice.  We went to a friends “30th” surprise birthday party last night which was nice!

I tried to sleep in this morning but I didn’t too much.  Oh well, I love long walks with my little boys! Those of you reading for the first time… my boys are my dogs  – Chocolate lab & Golden retriever. Then my friend Maddie and I headed out to the Eastern shore in Maryland to my friend Mikes house for a cook-out… or in?  Indoors of coarse since it’s like a high of 30 outside. Great time!!

Overall… good, great, busy FUN weekend!! Success! I feel good, life is good and I’m happy.  🙂   I read in the todays Sunday paper in the obituaries that Helen Keller died. Ok so a different Helen, but I recalled my last post on “old news”… haha.  Strange.

Well  I don’t have anything great to blog about tonight… kinda tired.  I am watching Storage Wars… haha I mean, sure I even have a favorite – Barry, but when you think about it, I’m watching people bid on a storage locker.. really?  Really.   Night!

xoxo ~Ashley