My 150th post!! :)

photo-82 photo-83 ^^Calendars for sale!!!!! If anyone is interested my friend Michael who I’ve talked about before is selling them.  We receive treatment at same place and he is Stage 4 Pancreatic as well. He has found his hidden talent in painting and has made a calendar of his first 12 paintings (which are fabulous!) and he is donating the money to the wellness center in which we both go to.  The wellness center provides services to us such as counseling, yoga, art therapy, reiki, and support groups. Great place for cancer patients all in which is free for us!!  The cost is $20 for the calendar, e-mail me or comment if you are interested in buying one! 🙂

Can you believe my friends harassed me into starting a blog as I began to get better when I had no idea what to say or write about or even how to do it and I’ve posted 150 times now daily since the 1st of October?!  Crazy! 5 months and almost 1000 followers??  Wow! 🙂   I will be changing this website up next month though.  I will have it layed out different so people that really don’t care about my life can just go to the tab about the things I do from cooking to recipes or juicing etc. and well, I am not going to write all about it but just expect changes. 😉

I am just so grateful for the amazing people there are on this world and many of whom don’t know me in person.  I mean to get such nice e-mails and such when I post that I am not feeling well or having a bad day, it just really makes me appreciate everyone.  It is amazing to me that when something so tragic happens in your life like say… my diagnosis, the people that are there for you and the people that come into your life which most are unexpected.  You can think about it and think ‘well these people… because they  are family… and this person because we are bffs’ or whatever but when things happen, in many cases, it’s the opposite of what you expected.  The people you thought would be there aren’t and the people you never imagined are and you meet or communicate with people that never knew you prior.

Yesterday was a wasted day to me.  It started at 6:30am at my CT scan – waste because my doc cares more about a PET scan and I will write in simple terms the difference tomorrow.  Then I am in the cancer unit waiting forever for a prescription, actually 2 but they only gave the one and forgot about the other and I said forget it… it wasn’t that pertinent that I needed to wait another 2 hours.  Then since my hospital doesn’t stock this script, I head downtown (DC) to the Walgreens that I know does and they have to verify the script… took hours because my Dr. was in the clinic. UGH! It was WAY too cold to walk all the way to where we parked to fill the meter so I had to take my chances on a ticket – no ticket amen.  Then going to the Justice Federal Credit Union to cash a check in which they do not cash and the whole process of that was forever and a day so what a WASTE. Oh, my husband needed plumbing supplies for his client and the place we went to clear across town, a plumbing company, didn’t have what he needed.  I’m like of coarse not, I mean they are a plumbing company… why would they have plumbing stuff?  …. just one of those days!!!

By the time I got home I was EXHAUSTED!! I took my 10mg Oxycodone (for pain I was in) which normally wakes me up and energizes me and I’m not sure if for some reason these ones did the opposite plus running on 3-4 hours of sleep or what.  I crashed so early last night during The Bachelor: Women Tell All… haha.  I also felt so gross sick yesterday.  I don’t know if it was the contrast or what,  I don’t recall feeling like this after my other scans but who knows.  I felt like I do when I get chemo and nauseas and tired and can’t eat but hungry.  Just nasty.  I am better now though!!

Today I grocery shopped all morning and did running around in which I wanted to get done before this expected snowstorm they are talking about tonight.   I got to the Wellness center at 11am and didn’t do the art therapy because it was the same time as ‘Living with Chronic Cancer’ group but it was good!  It was good convo with Michael as well whom I’ve talked about before.  We have become better friends because of this detour that we both happened to go on in life and no one really understand what it’s like to go through this and chemo and the tests, office visits, worrying about blood counts, unexpected things happening etc.  unless you’ve been there.

After Michael and I had lunch I headed home and kept shutting my eyes while I was driving… I have no idea why I was so tired.  I feel like it’s my new oxy although the 5mg that I would take 2 of would pep me up and I had plenty of sleep last night that I woke up before 6 today ready to go.  Weird! I had to get home and get to work with the list my husband gave me for business stuff.  Now it’s time to relax… ahhh!! Ready for some snow too!!! Woohoo!! 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley