Patients with no patience…


I touched on this yesterday but in reality you choose who you have in your life.  This was a topic that we had a discussion with the other day in our group.  “Cancer patients having no patience for people”.  Ok, so that was the topic per se but I came up with the title… haha you know I’m just quirky like that 😉

In my life before cancer I would try with family and friends and I was the one always putting everyone together and always wanting the picture perfect family etc.  After being diagnosed and having my life change so much I have come very far.  In the last 16 or 17 months from being sick and going straight down I have made the slow climb uphill.  I have worked my butt off one step at a time with a share of dips in between. When the sickness began in 2011 and going through the changes in 2012 I have a new outlook in 2013 and first priority I have said I have made is my health.  This also means the people I surround myself with.  I am not going to stress out about this person or that whether they are blood or not.  I am not going to be dragged in to peoples drama especially when I am several hundreds of miles away. My husband and I have made a conscious effort to decide who we will keep in our life and who can go, blood or no blood… there is the door. 😉  You can call it a no-nonsense attitude.  No times for games, no time for wasting time.  Life is so short. I am the type that would rather have a small circle of really close people than a million friends in which I am not sure who I could trust.  Who has the best intentions.

With all of that said… I LOVE MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!  I appreciate my “cancer family”… the people who have come into my life since diagnosis that are just amazing human beings and my awesome friends who ARE my family. 🙂  xoxo  love you!

CORRECTION from yesterday.  I was told the calendars are on sale for $20 but I guess it’s $22 for shipping postage.  If you did not see my comment yesterday about where you can send a check for the calendar if you are interested in purchasing one then here it is:

Ashley Thiel
PO Box 34403
Washington, DC 20043

This postal box will only be available for a month or 2 because I am getting a new one in a more convenient location with better hours than business hours which is a nuciense and also a postal box rather than my house because I am moving very soon and want all my mail going to one place.  I will send the calendar to you or Michael will so be sure to have your address on the label or included.  Thank you!! 🙂

Happy Wednesday my friends

xoxo ~Ashley

5 comments on “Patients with no patience…

  1. Margaret says:

    This entry just spoke to me…..every bit of it! Thanks for your posts!
    A follow pan can survivor!

  2. kfalhaber says:

    Ashley, you have givin us another why to look at life. What you makes so much sense weather a person is sick or not. Thank you for the words of wisdom……
    Also, who do we make the check out to?

  3. Maureen Bannon says:

    Absolutely!!! You are wise beyond your years. I have been living by this philosophy for at least 8 years now. I only wish I followed it earlier. I am the peacemaker out of my family. I do not like conflict or fighting. I can forgive and move on; others hold on to grudges and the drama. I will not allow that in my life any longer; blood or no blood!!!! You are an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing. Sometimes we all need a reminder or just to hear it again. I hope you have an amazing day!!!! – Peace and Love, Maureen

  4. Shannon says:

    Indeed! Surround yourself with people who make you joyful to be alive…not want to slit your throat from frustration. Hugs to you and yours!!!

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