Bad day = Understatement

No writing today. It’s been one hell of a day.

No chemo.  My blood was great but have other problems.  I am more worried about my golden retriever who was attacked by a pit bull then all the stuff I went through at the hospital today.

Be back tomorrow!! xoxo

15 comments on “Bad day = Understatement

  1. Ann B says:

    Hugs to you and the puppy baby!

  2. Norbert Ruiz says:

    Tuesday, will be better.

    Sent from my iPad

  3. sheron stanfield says:

    Sorry to hear you had a bad day. Love to your poor baby. Hoping you retriever gets better fast.

    Sent from my iPad

  4. kfalhaber says:

    Warm thoughts and prayers going your way today!🙏

  5. Becky says:

    Sorry about your horrible day. Hope your sweetie recovers well….

  6. Maureeen says:

    awe sorry, chin up hugs to you
    and your doggy

  7. Emily says:

    So sorry to hear about your golden retriever. I hope he is ok.

  8. Shannon says:

    Ugh! I am thinking this day needs a do-over for many of us:( Sending you hugs and hoping for healing for you and your fur-baby! ♥

  9. David says:

    Crud like this is supposed to be confined to Mondays, dammit. Have a beautiful Wednesday, both you and your puppy!

    • Hi David 🙂 Yes I agree! But…. it did happen on Monday since yesterday was Monday and today is Tuesday… haha! Thank you!! Have a good day tomorrow (wednesday) as well. 🙂

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