PanCan has become a real pain in my a$$ – literally!!

I woke up in pain today.  Damn spleen pain.  Why why why why why???? I wanted to know.  I thought I took it easy yesterday.  I found out that the laundry and light cleaning I did was “too much”.  I am not suppose to BEND AT ALL.  Ugh!  No bending, no cleaning, no twist, turn, exercising.  Dangit!!!   Thankfully after some ibuprofen, heat and 20mg of oxcydone, I had some relief.

I let 4 hours pass so the oxy would leave my system so I could drive.  I felt good now and it’s 11am and I headed out because I needed to go down to Fredericksburg, VA. The traffic was good at this hour getting out of the city (DC) but once I started down 95SB it was like rush hour.  The Washington, DC area has the worst traffic in the country.  I am not saying this because I know it sucks but I even watched it on the news not long ago, yes DC has the worst traffic out of anywhere.  It’s a nightmare.  This is why I moved from Virginia up because I hated driving in it to work as did my husband.  I couldn’t believe it was a dead stop at NOON on 95 but it’s because of all the road construction that it took me hours to get down there.  I could have been in New York, NY in this time.  Ridiculous.

I was so sleepy.  I thought the medication would have wore off as it should have but it didn’t drowsiness wise meaning I had the hardest time keeping my eyes open.  Of coarse Tim called and I told him this and got to hear about “oh great now you are going to fall asleep at the wheel and kill yourself”  Oh geez… No.  I am stronger than that.  I can make myself snap out of it.  I had to mess with my mind and add some music and fresh air.  I only went to one store that was planned – yay me. Did great there! I got my mail that goes to VA and new plates and tags.  Woohoo! Headed home through Maryland because I was NOT doing that VA nonsense again.

I am just about to pull onto my street and my doctor is calling me.  Oh great.  I was hoping for no call because I thought “No news was good news” so I wasn’t happy to hear from her. She (my oncologist) had gone over Mondays scans with my surgeon and a Radiology Dr. and found there is an air sac in my spleen near my colon.  They found this to be serious and ordered a study to be done in Radiology tomorrow morning.  I have to take enema solutions tonight… gross.

When I got home the pain was starting again and this time I still had the doctor on the phone so I had told her about it and she said this is why this could be very serious.  The pain and fevers especially.  Ugh great!  I’ve learned from my 1/2 year late diagnosis that I can handle pain better than anyone so my spleen better not rupture again because that was the WORST PAIN ever!! I was paralyzed and went blind from my body going into shock from the pain so yes, that insanely bad.  So these spleen pains are a touch of that rupture pain because they are paralyzing feeling, I can’t move and I hold my heart while holding my breathe so I remain cool and calm.  The oxys took 2 hours to kick in.

Time for me to detox/shower/relax.

xoxo ~Ashley

5 comments on “PanCan has become a real pain in my a$$ – literally!!

  1. Erin says:

    Oh Ashley! Hope you have a better day tomorrow mate. Watching my Dad’s illness, we have these crazy bad days followed by unexpected but very welcome good days, pain free, full of energy days. Its a crazy illness and the symptoms sometimes dont make any sense. The hospital days are definetly not fun so here is hoping you arent in there long and you are feeling better. Take care.

  2. sheron stanfield says:

    I wish you the best. I don’t understand what you are going through, but admire your courage. Kick this cancer Ashlet!!

    Sent from my iPad

  3. Shannon says:

    What a crazy day for you! Hope they can help you manage these intense pain spells and take care of this problem without compromising the treatment and progress you have made. Many hugs for healing! ♥

  4. Philip says:

    Praying for you. Keep faith and lean into Grace. Better days soon!

  5. Pat B says:

    Ashley, Only wishing you good things and good results. You remain in my prayers. I will let you know how I make out with my scan in about 10 days or so. We just keep fighting.

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