I’ll be back!

Just updating that I know I hadn’t posted Friday as I always do nor Saturday but I’m ok.  A LOT has happened and I will update everyone as soon as I can, probably tonight. I have appreciated the prayers for Fridays chaos and as I go under tomorrow.

Thanks! xoxo ~Ashley

4 comments on “I’ll be back!

  1. htenhoope says:

    Good luck Ash. Prayers your way.

  2. Michelle Pearl says:

    Stay tough girl and good luck! You are inspiration to so many!

  3. sheron stanfield says:

    Ashley, my prayers go with you. I know you will have a successful surgery and I sed you my blessings.

    Sent from my iPad

  4. Philip says:

    Praying for you, Ashley … In the shower, in church, on the subway, wherever … Praying for you and Dan and all who bravely battle PC. Lean into God’s grace. May God ‘s healing hands hold you tight.

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