I MADE IT… I’m alive!!!!!


Me before surgery and before my gown….


Tim and I right before surgery (yes they snuck him in because they loved me! 😉 )


Me today post surgery! Kickin’ butt!! 😉

I made it out of surgery!!! The report even said “my colon prep was EXCELLENT!”   I got an A++ in colon cleanse!!   Yeah buddy, I took a whole gallon and made my pipes squeaky clean!! haha! It’s kinda like wanting an A+ in school, I like to be an over achiever in kicking @$$!!   That’s me!  I made it out.  I finally woke up from the anesthesia and went to my room to rest for the evening.

I woke up today wondering if I could be EAT or DRINK again in my lifetime and I hear NO – wrong answer.  The med doc even advised possibly being on TPN for 2 weeks.  I have been on TPN I KNOW what this entails and this is the LAST thing I want, I want food!!

I just spoke with my GI doc and ME being ME I said to them:

“Ok, I am going to get the entire GI team and lock them in my room and they are not going to eat OR drink for the next 6 days then after that they are going to go on TPN for 2 weeks….yes that will be 20 days without eating or drinking by mouth. Ok?”

I  am not sure if they thought I was joking.  I’m not.  When I was told 48 hours because the stent needs to embed into the colon and everything and food would disrupt all of that then ok.  I haven’t had anything in 4 days so I can do another. My sweet husband brought me gum to chew or they also brought me ICE CHIPS! Yay!!!!   Gosh, I haven’t been this lucky since over a year ago when I couldn’t eat for months and had a j-tube and I could swab my mouth with food-like water to taste.  What a tease!! I am not a big eater I know, BUT I want something more when I am told I can’t have it so when I am told I can’t beat Stage 4 pancreatic cancer obviously my thought is to show them up! 😉

I am glad my surgery went well. Everyone is always shocked how young I am and have what I have and I get told  “You look like the picture of health looking at you”  ALL the time!!! And people are shocked it’s just Tim and I and no (my) family but I tell them I have all you! I have an amazing support team even if they aren’t people I see in person and aren’t family, they still are amazing and help me. 🙂

I did have a couple friends come and visit me the other day and although I could barely keep my eyes open, I was very happy to see their beautiful faces! 🙂  Actually again today as well!  I also walk around the hospital and see all of my awesome friends I have everywhere here.  It does help to know everyone everywhere you go… I am not going to lie, special treatment doesn’t hurt! 😉

I just DENIED TPN to the nurse soooooo let’s hope no one freaks out, I didn’t do it in a mean way or anything I just said how it causes inflammation, it’s no help and doesn’t trick my body into thinking its full and doesn’t provide any good nutrition so I’d rather fast a little longer.

I ran into my surgeon today who is the most amazing surgeon ever and I love him.  Of coarse he already knew everything and asked about surgery and knew every single thing I’ve been through since I’ve seen him last because he’s amazing like that and genius and advised (well whispered to me and if anyone reading this from my hospital I won’t reveal his name!  haha)    that a sip of water would be absorbed before hitting my colon anyways.  I was asking, really?? does it really hurt if I have a sip of water??

Anyways….. my rear is going to chillax.  I have more friends coming to see me in a bit.  See ya later my amazing support team!  If you are fighting cancer or any hard situation- keep on fighting!!! We can all kick a$$!!

xoxo ~Ashley