Video blog. Just another boring day in the hospital…

If you watched that video above then I’m basically telling ya what I wrote yesterday since nothing changed last night.  I got slept, only interrupted a few times. I did the video this morning… now I am writing this afternoon, I can tell ya it’s been a slow day. Not too much has happened.  They started me on sugar water since I’ve had nothing to eat just to give me calories.  Sugar… feed the cancer.  I know I know, but it’s not enough to change much and I’ve had to have it before so I’m not totally concerned.  I’d rather have sugar water than TPN or PPN.

I left off writing, snuck out and came back to this:

My nurse rocks!!!

My nurse rocks!!!

Woohoo!!!!!! Love my nurse! Is that cute or what?! Too cute and I can DRINK WATER NOW!!!!! YaY!! I can have juices, chicken broth, my friends mentioned how vodka/liquor is all clear liquids… haha 😉
Well thats my boring day.  I am going for a walk now.  Just letting my colon repair heal so I can have food sometime and be good to go!  Thanks to all my wonderful amazing people out their with your well wish and prayers… I will continue to kick pancreatic cancer butt and not be a statistic!! I started with beating the 30-60 days tops I had to live according to the doctors, then “1 year “statistically at stage 4” which is how fast this cancer takes you, generally weeks and now I am aiming for years and to be operable one day when it is localized solely in my pancreas.
xoxo ~Ashley

6 comments on “Video blog. Just another boring day in the hospital…

  1. Margaret says:

    Ashley , so very happy you have such an up beat and great attitude… are so strong! Praying for some excitement for you…of course, only of the fun kind!

  2. sheron stanfield says:

    My brother in law WT Bates is waiting on surgery or possible, para fully a cure for pancreatic cancer. He is like you, he looks good, feels good and has an amazing attitude. We are not giving up on him, therefore, I am not giving up on my new found friends, Ashley and her support active husband Tim. It is so much to go through as you begin your lives together. As far as your rocking nurse goes, I would bet she has fallen in love with you as you go around giving the other patients a boost. It was amazing hearing from you, enjoy the jello. Have a good night. Lots of love.

    Sent from my iPad

  3. sheron stanfield says:

    Have a fab Friday.

    Sent from my iPad

  4. Sherry Gilbert says:

    You make it look easy. You rock!

  5. Donna Cesare Ciallella says:

    Looking good, lady! I know that clear liquids are horrible but it won’t be for long. You look great!

  6. Sandy says:

    Ashley, from your mouth to God’s ears. I hope everything you want comes true.

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