Where did the weekend go?! Come back! :)


Tim snapping a pic of me in my bed at the hospital… just lil ol me!

Hello! Where did the weekend go?! Gosh it went fast! Sorry I didn’t write yesterday.  I was hospital free and just was kept off the internet and when you go from being cooped up in a hospital to free, for me at least, I just want to get away electronics free.  I know I am SO behind in e-mails so I will be catching up tonight, I promise I am not ignoring anyone… it’s just been life.

I went to a pancreatic seminar type of thing yesterday. Hmm… would you call it a seminar?   Maybe not.  They referred to it as “speed dating” where we were in groups of 4 and visited a different table every 10-15 minutes. There were doctors from pathology, oncology, researchers etc. and it was focused on pancreatic cancer with advancement/research at that hospital.  I’m not sure I really learned anything per se since it was quick and when you have a group and not much time with everyone wanting to speak, it’s kinda hard but then again I really didn’t have many questions since I know whats going on with me and I keep up with research and when something is working then there isn’t much I need to know.  I’m fully aware that if my treatment comes to an end that there are plenty of other things I can try so I’ll cross that bridge when/if need be.  I still like seeing what they have to say and seeing what other doctors there are out there especially if I become operable one day or if I become unhappy at my hospital.

I certainly was looked at like a girl with 8 heads though when this guy in our group would tell the doctors that I had stage 4 pancreatic cancer at each table.  I had no problem with him saying anything at all since it’s true but man the looks I get! haha!!  “You?!!?  You are the patient?!?!”  “I would never dream by looking at you that you had anything wrong”  “You were just released from the hospital yesterday?!?!”  hahaha….. can’t say I hadn’t heard all this before… many… many… many times.   True story doc! I met a student who graduated from Michigan State…woohoo!!! I met a dr. who’s from Michigan, WRONG SCHOOL if ya know what I mean, but eh.. he was cool!  I met an awesome surgeon!  I love the “cowboy approach” doctors.   All and all it was good!  Wait until they see me in June, I will get my butt in shape and show them… haha!

Ahh.. I never mentioned what my hubs did!  So, I come home from the hospital and oh my goodness!! HE – washed the floors, vacuumed, did all the dishes (yes dishwasher helped, but still!), did all the laundry to include washing all the sheets, duvet, towels, clothes, dog bedding and toys, scrubbed kitchen, washed the rugs, even little things like washing the shower curtain… ahh! I was VERY impressed!!! He came home throughout the week in the day to take care of the dogs since we cannot let my neighbors do it anymore for many reasons.  Of coarse only small time frames during the day because he would never let me stay at the hospital alone for very long.  I mean I was hospitalized over a month before and he didn’t care if he was sleeping in a chair or told to go home and get rest, he would never go and leave me or ever let me go to an appointment by myself EVER… thats just the kind of guy he is. 🙂   He has spoiled me since our days together in High School so I wouldn’t know what its like to have it any other way.

Anyways my GOODNESS… Friday when I had to get my antibiotic prescription after I was released my jaw almost dropped when I was told I had to pay $250.  Holy cow!! This is for TEN flipping pills!! That was AFTER insurance payed their portion!  Two-hundred and fifty dollars for T-E-N pills?!   No wonder people can’t afford health care.  My other scripts are not that much a piece.  Tim was like, well you can share Tobys antibiotics (remember from the pit bull?? )  hahaha!  YEAH!   After I took the pill I couldn’t keep my eyes open to save my life so it dawned on me that when I was in the hospital, I would feel drained and took a couple cat naps in the day it was after they had started this antibiotic on me to see if I had any type of reaction and that it would work.  If it kept my fevers down and such.  Note to self – take at nighttime!

Tomorrow is CHEMO day! 😦    Damn.   I’ll be down for a few days.  Since I have a Dr. appt on Wednesday, I will be going to my PO box and seeing if I received any checks for my friend Michaels calendars and will then send them out, but since he has sold out I will send out what I have and if I have more checks than calendars then you will simply receive your check back in the mail. You should receive this by the end of this week, ok?  Thanks!

Waiting to see if Tim will be home from work anytime soon because I’d welcome him taking me out to dinner… 😉    …or I guess I will cook, I’m starving! Anytime now….

xoxo ~Ashley

8 comments on “Where did the weekend go?! Come back! :)

  1. sheron stanfield says:

    Girl, you invented the word spunk, cause you have it and you are kicking cancers a$$ with it! I enjoyed the smiles you brought today. You and Tim are amazing as I say each time I write. Talk later got a little cold with the sneezes. Chachoo

    Sent from my iPad

  2. hahaha!! Too funny! 😉 Thank you!! 🙂 I hope you get better soon, cold and sneezes are no fun 😦 Rest up my dear!

  3. Maureen Bannon says:

    So Glad you are feeling better. You have an awesome Man supporting you:-) You are beautiful and your inner beauty shines through. I can understand all the surprised looks as they fully realize your diagnosis. You are such an inspiration. Wishing you continued quick recovery. Thanks for supporting Michael and his calendars:-) God Bless – Maureen

  4. Hollie Stewart says:

    Hey Ashley! So glad to hear your time in hospital went well. You let Tim do whatever he can for you. Trust me, it means the world to him. I was my Daddy’s primary caregiver. Every Dr visit, everyday lunches, sleeping in floor in hospital room…I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Let him love you & you soak it up!

  5. sheron stanfield says:

    Hi, this is Sheron. I went through my email to see if you had a posting today, then remembered it was chemo day for you. I so hope you are feeling okay, which is a stupid statement because chemo is hard on the body. Take care and the best of health to you. Look forward to your posting when you feel better.

    Sent from my iPad

  6. Norbert Ruiz says:

    Hi Ashley,

    There is a good article on cancer this week in time magazine. It even covers pancreatic cancer.

    I am back in remission again, hopefully, I will stay in it this time. That GAX really kicks some ass on cancer.

    Not bad, considering my first oncolgist gave me two months to live back in Feb 2012.

    Take care, and get better.


    Sent from my iPad

  7. sheron stanfield says:

    Sent from my iPad

    Begin forwarded message:

    > From: sheron stanfield
    > Date: May 15, 2013, 11:46:35 AM EDT
    > To: William Bates
    > Subject: Fwd: [New post] always goin’…
    > Shelia, this girl was on her death bed and read what she is doing now. Truly inspirational. Good morning, I love you!
    > Sent from my iPad
    > Begin forwarded message:
    >> From: Cancer Kickin’ Girl
    >> Date: May 15, 2013, 1:43:19 AM EDT
    >> To: sheron6671@live.com
    >> Subject: [New post] always goin’…
    >> Reply-To: “Cancer Kickin’ Girl”

  8. sheron stanfield says:

    I forwarded your blog to my sister at MDAnderson to give her hope I forwarded to you by mistake. Hope the following give you smiles.

    Sent from my iPad

    Begin forwarded message:

    > From: sheron stanfield > Date: May 15, 2013, 12:57:47 PM EDT > To: “McIntyre, Debbie” > Subject: Re: Doggy Tails – These pictures and comments should make everyone SMILE!! Enjoy! > > Sniffing snot, eating protein bar. Getting ready for second meeting regarding my weight loss surgery. > Does not look good due to my health and AGE. > The nerve of the first consult doctor!!! > > Sent from my iPad > >

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