ChemO nO no…Monday (Videos)

Ok fine, it’s chemo Monday.  Even got up on time sucked it up and went.  Actually!! Prior to going to chemo, I did this….

Then had chemo.  Of coarse my Dr. wanted to see me prior to the drugs after labs were drawn and just chatted about how I was doing from surgery.  Yes I got the craziest looks from the seminar thing the other day to chemo about ‘you just had surgery and you are doing so well?!!?’   Yeah 😉  I’m Ashley.

I met up with my friend Michael and talked for a while but after that I went back to chemo and they gave me Benadryl as a pre-med as usual but I was fighting it for a bit then the stuff knocked my butt out until 7pm.  haha!  I woke up like woah?!  It went from busy in the chemo unit to where did everyone go?!   Mine are so long but I was tired so there ya go.

I came home and was out… thats why this Monday post is a tad late.

xoxo ~Ashley