(Tuesdays blog) Day after chemo…

Sorry I’m late with Tuesdays blog.  Chemo sucked as usual.  I actually fell asleep during chemo more than I normally do.  Generally the dang benadryl in my pre-med knocks my butt out for a bit and I fight it because I don’t like sleeping and not knowing whats going on but this time I woke up at 7pm and the last of my drugs were going through.  Yes my treatments are at least 12 hours long.  I always laugh when the scheduler secretary lady asks about time slots for my upcoming treatments and will say whats available and I think ahh.. 10am wouldn’t that be nice! But then I’d be here till midnight, so that would be bad.  Big OT for the nurses! haha!  I have no desire to stay until Tues am so I always start at 7am.

Anyways, yeah I did better on Tuesday then normal.  I am still getting 100% of my chemo drugs and my platelets were about 200k and all my blood was up and fabulous so I did great there.  I don’t know why I did better yesterday but I didn’t feel too dead to the world.  Sleep definitely helps me a lot!  I come home Monday and went straight to bed that night, since of coarse it was night anyways and was up all Tuesday.  I took it easy and was out early at night.

I survived yet another treatment of chemo! It doesn’t get easier but I’m still kickin’ but 🙂

xoxo ~Ashley

3 comments on “(Tuesdays blog) Day after chemo…

  1. Chris Pyle says:

    That is great you are handling your chemo treatments so well. Wish I could say the same for my husband. He is trying to kick cancers butt but the chemo is kicking his poor skinny butt pretty hard right now. At least he gained a pound and a half yesterday after loosing 9 pounds in 4 days. I read your new posts to him. Makes him smile you are doing so well. Me too. Have a great Wednesday.

  2. jrcruse says:

    Hi Ashley!! Wow…that is the longest chemo round I have heard of!! We thought 5 hrs was alot! You are on a Special regimen and you are Special:). Glad it is kickin like it is supposed to!! I know the mental and physical strength it takes…you sure are Cancer Kickin Girl…with Hootspa (chutzpah)!!! HUGS!

  3. Philip says:

    Keep on keepin’ on (kicking cancer butt), Ashley. Thinking of you and keeping you in prayer. Dan started another three-month course of chemo yesterday. It seemed to go well. May you both be victorious!

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