I’m tired.


^Ok so I forgot about this pic.  Last week when I was hospitalized my dear friend sent her amazing Australian CHEF husband to our room with food he prepared just for Tim, oh! and a beer.  I was VERY jealous since I was fasting and my husband cannot have the hospital food they bring around, no, instead he gets pampered with some deliciousness. Ahh!  Of coarse he didn’t save any for me when I was able to eat… ohhhh nooo….  haha, what can ya do. 🙂

Just to warn ya, this post is lame.  I really do not have a single thing to talk about or say about today because I have simply been tired.  I didn’t sleep well last night, loss of toss and turning and I’ve been out of it today.  I couldn’t really sleep in the day but then again I felt too tired to do anything.  I did have the good voice in my head that said “Ashley, don’t worry about doing a single thing… it’ll all be there tomorrow, worry about your rest” which was great!  I didn’t feel obligated to do a bunch of things which has always been a hard thing for me.  I am working on it every day, just remembering what I am fighting and that my things I have “to do” that are so urgent in my head are not as important as my health.

I had some darn pain today and took meds for that which makes me tired.  The same meds that I would take 10mg of would make me so energetic and I truly felt they were energy pills with the benefit of taking the pain away and now with a dose higher that is needed, they only make me drowsy.  Very annoying.

I found out today that 2 out of my 4 out of state trips planned for April were cancelled which I am happy about!! I know some people may think it’s crazy but I am not one that likes being away from my own bed for an entire month PLUS being hospitalized all last week and chemo this week means I’ve been down for the last 2 weeks.  I do need time at home finally to catch up with life.  The unplanned surgery messed up my chemo days but it’ll all work out.  I actually had to change the next 2 times for different days because I cannot have it interfering with my social life.  haha!! It’s one thing to have to do the darn thing but it’s another when it interferes with very important plans.  🙂   Ahhhh then…  I have a to-do list that has grown and I’ve got a whopping 13 days to complete it.  Awesome.

Well I made dinner, walked the dogs and now I can get to work with whatever the hubs is bothering me to do… later!

xoxo ~Ashley

4 comments on “I’m tired.

  1. Sandy says:

    ~~~Of course there were no leftovers, but I am sure you made a delicious meal. Rest up and get your energy back ~~~~

  2. jrcruse says:

    After all you have been through…ya your body is tired…and emotionally too, but you still made dinner and walked your babies…awe! You are Amazing!! You know I know you are!!! You are the Captain of Your ship:). –HUGS– jane

  3. Margaret says:

    Ashley,wishing you a speedy recovery so you can get back to a more normal life with your babies and hubby.you are such a strong women! Sweet dreams….Margaret

  4. Karl says:

    “It’ll all be there tomorrow…” is exactly right, Ashley. Funny how we can spend so much time on wondering about the future and recollecting on the past but essentially we live our lives in days, one “today” after another. Every day can’t be great, no matter what the daytime talk show life coaches want to tell us. It’s okay to roll with it and just accept the day that meets us when we get up. If sleeping a lot of the day is what it calls for, just gotta do it, and don’t worry. There’ll be another day. Keep stayin strong. Best to you, in all things.

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