I’m at peace

me and lexi

One of my favorite little girls I know

^^ Just a random pic I happen to look at tonight of myself with one of my favorite little girls I know.

Hello friends!! Sorry I couldn’t write yesterday, I was SO busy by the time I got home and sat down… I was OUT, like a light bulb – no joke.   I am still working on responding to the 20 some comments I received on the Easter post, all of which were so gracious and heartwarming, I appreciate it!  Thank you for letting me share a snip it of my real life and caring so very much for me. 🙂 xo   Also, my e-mails! I do believe I have returned everyones but if you have wrote me and I didn’t, my sincere apologies and just let me know and I will.

I have received a lot of “you seem so at peace” comments from my friends and those around me daily and then those of you on here.  It is because I am. 🙂  I know I am going through something that really no one can imagine going through unless you are my exact age going through the exact thing…  yet I still manage to believe in myself, believe in God and remember my strength.  I have a lot of people in my daily life here where I live, I have a lot of great friends who I talk with as much as I can, I have my faith which is so very strong though I don’t necessarily speak of it on here because I was concerned with any type of controversial take although this is simply about my journey and writing for myself.  Lastly, I have those of you whom I don’t know personally but the support I receive so from the people in my every day life combined with the people whom don’t know me personally “but feel like you do” is just out of this world so therefore how couldn’t I be at peace?  I quoted the ‘but feel like you do’ because I have received that statement a lot!!  I have had a ton of e-mails in which people say they feel like they do know me personally just from what I write and seeing me in video blogs.. haha!  I have no problem with that at all!! I feel like I know some of you too. 😉  Anyways, yes I can feel at peace because I live a pure life full of happiness in this hard journey.

Ok!! So I wanted to put up a “Spring Break” sign on my blog and go on a spring break hiatus for the week so I can work on changing it up but it’s hard!! haha my chitty chatty little self likes to blog (SO weird I know since I was totally again this for so long!!!)  and love to share!  I have been hurting these past days and I take total blame for it.  I have been cheating on nutrition and getting into Tims cupboards of his lunch items and such things that my body just hates.  I guess you could say I’m an “emotional eater” and bringing up painful things like what I posted the other day and recalling that with everything my extended family has shared with me (love them!!) and how they hurt for me with what I went through in my childhood,  made for emotional eating.  My system likes my clean and pure diet so I just jumped back on the wagon today because why am I putting myself in pain??  No good nor smart!  Good thing I do  NOT reflect on that often at all because my little butt would be a big one!!  No bueno.   I am back at it and of coarse feeling very good outside of my chronic pain.

It’s another late night that I’m writing this up… ahh! Late night, night after night!  I would share more about my day (s) …this, that and the other but I am tired and have another long very BUSY day tomorrow!! Please know, I am good… kickin butt and did you know I am a HUGE HUGE HUGE baseball fanatic?!?!!?   AHH!!  I love watching my DETROIT TIGERS more than any other sport!  I thought I’d throw that in there since it’s spring and April now! woohoo!!

xoxo ~Ashley