Just talk…


Having too much fun!

^Random pic I found today… this was taken a few months ago when Tim took my neighbor girl and I to Lowes with him, it was fun when we were at our stores down the strip but at Lowes…. ahhh well you see, we just couldn’t contain ourselves from the excitement….

Ok guys! If you have gone to CancerKickinGirl.com today you may have noticed it looks a bit (ok, a LOT) different.  Why?  Because I am changing it of coarse!  I said I would and I am.  One of my biggest pet peeves is people that do not follow thru with what they say they will do. I am not that type, if I say I will, I will! Even if it is as petty as changing this site, I always follow thru… if you know anything about me then you know this and my word is good. Always!

I couldn’t be more grateful for the gracious amazing people there are out there that always send prayers when I say a little thing in a post such as,’ terrible insane pain’ today.  Thank you everyone!!! I woke up with the WORST pain!! I normally wake up good because my body has slept so therefore it was down, relaxing, no food etc so I can wake up refreshed.  Unfortunatley the night before last I had SO MUCH ENERGY that I couldn’t sleep and therefore woke up after a cat nap instead of a good night sleep and was in pain. Like I wrote before, I had an emotional week and had “bad food” … not that bad, but my stomach is so sensitive so even a little red meat or chocolate my body really reacts bad.  The stuff (what I told yall in the Easter post) even stressed me out which my body cannot handle either so all together the pain was so bad.

Tim wanted me to stay in bed, take it easy and get sleep but I really wanted to catch up with my friend Michael and get out to the Wellness Center.  I did just that.  I went and after we were done in the early afternoon, I went with Michael and his mother to lunch.  I first declined a few times but then gave in.  Now the food was wonderful but when I stood up and left… HOLY MOLY you could have POPPED me!!! My stomach was INSANE.  I felt like I was about to give birth to quadruplets and burst!  I hurt so bad.   Ok back track, we walked into the restraunt and it was so busy… then we go to leave and saw the place was empty! hahaha!!  We talked… a lot.  I had met Michaels mother before and she struck me as one that would tell the truth to you and make no regrets, say whats on her mind type and I loved that!!  I had stuff in me I wanted advise on and thought they’d be the best to ask so I did and got the best advise!!  I woke up today feeling GREAT!  I got everything off my chest, even if it wasn’t to the people it was attended for but just sharing it anyway really helped and I’ve had a great day! NO PAIN MEDS DAY… woohoo!

So I know I kinda skipped a little bit.  After leaving them and felt like I was going to explode, I stopped in a city on my way back to DC because I wanted to pick up a few things anyways.  I made 1 stop and while I was in the store I knew I just couldn’t do my errands.  I had hurt so badly that I just needed to go home and lay down and call off dinner with my friend.  I got a few things I wanted at my first stop and said that was it!  I need to go!  I headed back to the main road to DC and just down past the exit I had gotten off at there was a major accident and the ambulance or anyone hadn’t arrived on scene yet.  The first thing that came to mind was that could have been me!! If I didn’t make that stop although it was a waste of time, I might have been part of that!!  Airbags were deployed and the cars were totaled!  People were stopped so I wasn’t of any use, but something made me feel that God was the one that made me take the stop at the last second because I knew I hurt and didn’t want to but just did anyways.

Ok, I get home and my friend still comes over and we skipped the dinner date I planned with Thai but we talked and talked and talked… which was why I couldn’t post last night.   It was such a day full of chitty chatting that I think it is just what the doctor had ordered because I felt a huge relief today and have felt good.  Sometimes you need to speak to others and get their advise and take on things and try to see things from another view and it can be so beneficial and really help.  I like speaking in person more than I do the phone, ok I’ll be more honest, I’m just not a phone person. Yes I will return your call or your message, always!  It may not be immediate because I am not attached at the hip with my phone like every other human being but I will answer or return calls.  I am the worst at making the first call though but this is something that anyone who’s ever known me knows about me. I’ve been like that my entire life.

Well… Dinner is done for husband whenever he decides to come home from work tonight… he’s had super long days 7 days a week because he’s got a lot of work! Ah! The usual though.  I ordered some new shampoo and conditioner and scrub brush for my doggies bath that came today and I am super excited to try!!  Their other stuff was drying them out.  I wish they were equally as excited to receive this bath they are about to get now!! I mean, they love the water in the summer time but not baths… haha oh well, mamma loves clean boys. Chat tomorrow….. maybe!! May close the site for a few days to change it up.

xoxo ~Ashley