I’m BACK!!! hey HEY heyyy….


Me at the Medical Research Rally last Monday for pancreatic cancer!!

But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.   -1 Corinthians 15:20

I’m baaaackkk!!!  I’m alive. I’m kickin’ pancreatic cancer and my blog is back! Hey HEY hey! 🙂

First off…. Thank you so much for the prayers from those people who have cared and sent well wishes along with my amazing friends! I had a horrific few days when I took down my blog and it is believed that the cause was cysts bursts.  I was in insane pain and my stomach was swollen.  No amount of narcotics I have and was taking were working.  Last Monday or Tuesday things settled and I felt much better!! I wanted to stop writing my blog as I have said prior because of people (“family”) reading and making assumptions instead of reaching out to me but I received so many e-mails that I remember why I started it to begin with.  This is to help anyone going through a hard situation or for those who want to follow my journey and I have received so much support from the most amazing people!!

What have I done for the last week that I’ve taken my blog offline for a week?

  • Medical Research rally downtown (here in my town, DC)
  • Cancer pateint art therapy
  • Cherry Blossom Festival
  • Cancer pateint support group
  • Chemotherapy
  • Fitness Expo for Cherry Blossom 10k run (go maddie!)
  • Sat my butt in 85 degree sun! Yes! DC went from snowy cold to 80s in a couple weeks time… crazy
  • Received a call from a talk show producer who found my blog…

Ok….. I know I sound all upbeat, or at least I feel like I am writing like that, but the truth is I’ve had one HELL of a weekend!! I got chemo on Friday only because my hubby didn’t want me ill on his b-day so we could enjoy it. It ended up being a horrible weekend.  I tried to do my best to be well to enjoy the last of the cherry blossom events this weekend since I had to be at the hospital anyways on Saturday but it was tough.  I felt miserable.  I dropped 6lbs overnight although hydrating myself and not only was I feeling miserable and sick from the chemo, I was also starving!! I was SO hungry which normally doesn’t happen to me.  I generally get chemo on Monday, I try to get in so many calories that weekend prior and the day of before they knock me out and then I don’t eat during the week until around Friday.  This weekend however couldn’t have been any more different.  I couldn’t rest because of all the noise and the kids and it’s the weekend etc.  As I said I was so very hungry and couldn’t rest because of how hungry I was which was so abnormal for me.  Ok, no it’s not a ‘Gee Ash, if you were hungry…why didn’t you eat?’  haha… I wish it was that easy! No. I was starving but anything I saw I would get so nauseous. I even tried a little jello and pudding and tried to have it so very slow but my stomach wouldn’t take it.  I got sick immediately.  This doesn’t help my hunger right?  I mean, I went for MONTHS without eating… how in the world did I do that?!  I know I had no choice, but I really don’t know how I survived in all reality.

So anyways….last night (Sunday night) was horrid as well.  The husband came home early from work which was nice, although I actually fell asleep and was resting well until he woke me up.. but thats ok. I fell asleep (on and off) to the movies we were watching until midnight.  Oh yes, then I awoke to a darn new dog in the neighborhood barking away.  It was no yippy yappy ankle biter, this bark sounded like one big dog and it was outside. Why?  I don’t know. Go back to wherever you came from dog! It woke me along with my stomach.  I had a hard time sleeping with this tummy that felt like it hadn’t ate in a year and a dog.

Of coarse I couldn’t sleep in this morning, the DOG woke me up!!!  My boys aren’t alarmed by it, actually I think they think that the dog is just as annoying as I do.  So yes, the dog woke me up at 630am because I finally fell asleep at around 3am and then my stomach had the shooting hunger pains and I felt gross!!  It was the typical being in bed, sick, grody etc that I go through every chemo time and after 2 days I get up early to shower so I feel much better and wash my sheets because I like to wash out that gross-like feeling. Tim made me food and I actually held it down!!! That helps a lot when I can keep food in because I have zero energy when I am starving.

Did I work on changing my blog?  No.  I mean, sorta.  I changed the layout but hate it and wish I could figure out how to change it back.. haha! So true.  Ooops!  I took down my pages, yes, but will put them up or new ones.  It’ll be a work in progress let’s just say.  Ehh… at the end of the day it’s just a blog I made that I hoped would help someone in a similar situation and I write about my journey from how I was a healthy busy young lady living a good life to everything turning a complete 180 when I received a pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

I’ve been watching the news all afternoon since it was “breaking news” in Boston.  I send my prayers to all those affected by the tragedy at the Boston Marathon today.  It is terrible because prior to hearing the report hours ago, I was up this morning and received rom a friend running the race in Boston asking for prayers to be sent her way (that she does well of coarse).  Then I had the tv on while cleaning and the breaking news came on and I immediately thought of her and how I sent a prayer for her as she requested and just in complete shock!  You truly never know what the day holds for you each and every day and you should never take a single day for granted.

xoxo ~Ashley