Sometimes you’ll fall, always get back up… ♥

I fell and hurt myself.  haha crazy right? my doctor wouldn’t be happy to hear but goodness I am feeling the aches tonight….. bummer, ha!

For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed is death. -1 Corinthians 15:25-26

Ahhh one of those days where I can’t sleep and I’m ready to go for the day only to see it’s 4:58am and I’ve had not even 4 hours of sleep. What?!  Yeah.  Eh, I decided what the hay.  I can’t sleep, I’m not going to just toss and turn for another 2 hours, I’ll just get up… write my to-do list for the next couple days and pay bills online. I did just that and when the hubby woke up and got around we did our morning routire of walking the boys and the day officially began.

It was only a couple hours later now, actually 9:15am, that I get a call from Tim saying his bank card has been declined for $150 for material at Home Depot for his client. OH MY GOODNESS.  Of coarse there is plenty of money in that account but this has happened to us a LOT! I am so sick of Wells Fargo shutting our card down without a heads up all the time!  Every time we travel, which is quite frequent right?, they close our account for “suspicisous activity” because it was used in different states over the coarse of days.  YES! WE TRAVEL AND USE OUR MONEY! Ugh! We’ve asked to put a note in or give us a call if you feel something is going on but no… they just shut off the card and we look like fools with no money.  I asked if he used our other bank account which I don’t keep a lot of money in but I mean, there are hundreds and he said no because he wasn’t sure how much was in there.  Poor guy!! I feel terrible that he looks ridiculous for that.  It looks like I will be heading to a new bank tomorrow to open a new checking account.   Obviously we are not out of state right now but I am sure they will say they did it because I paid a bill that probably came up another state, I made a Groupon purchase that came from somewhere else and I ordered something from a company from Georgia (or at least thats where it said it was being shipped from). Of coarse when we are annoyed and this happens we are always gone and then kinda forget about it when we return home so thats why we haven’t opened up a new one elsewhere yet.

Better yet? The one time we had fradulesnt charges from overseas they DID NOT catch it…go figure!  When Tim called and he complained about it happening often like when we travel their reply was “Call us before you travel” …wait, what?!  Call my bank and let them know I will be using my money?? Get outa here!!!

After that nonsense the day started off just fabulous. I love love accomplishing a lot of things and getting a lot done. I started getting the chills and felt warm, obvious first thought.. “not again!”.  Let’s hope my temp goes down and it’s a simple case of “I need more sleep!”.  🙂

I am SO sore now from all the work I did, time to just relax before Tim gets home.  Oh!  Thank you for the birthday wishes for him yesterday… he got home late and we still went out and had a nice night and he appreciated the comments!  I responded to all the comments today and yesterday and will be working my way back.  I do apologize because I am not at all meaning to be rude by not responding immediately.

xoxo ~Ashley