busy busy… understatement

7b8fffaeac2411e28fa722000a1fbcea_7My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
John 10:27,28

Ah!!! So last weekend is my typical weekend/ every day. I wanted to share it because it was a lot of pancreatic cancer events but I don’t have time to share every day on here.  I am busy like that on a daily basis.  This is why I find chemo so annoying because I have to waste an entire 13 hours getting the treatment so theres an entire day gone then it ruins my next couple days from the misery it creates.  Sometimes I wish I was getting the typical treatment like everyone else so it wouldn’t be so long and I wouldn’t have down time.   Oh well, don’t fix it if it’s not broken and mine is still working for the past 1 1/2 yrs so we’ll go with it.

Want some good news???  I’ve been scared to share because I don’t want to jinx myself but I haven’t had that harsh side pain since my last treatment!  I haven’t been on oxycodone or anything!! I think I’ve had more cysts pop because of the symptoms I’ve had and you can tell by my stomach which is nice!  My cysts problems are because they are “honey-comb” like my doctor said so there are several but it’s created a large mass which therefore makes my tummy stick out and look big which normally was always tiny. I do like no side pain but I hope by saying it out loud (kinda, ok writing) that it doesn’t come tomorrow. Also my rear feels better!! Did I mention when I came home from horseback riding Sunday my butt hurt soooo badly??  Unfortunately I don’t have any cushion and have a flat butt so it felt so bruised from the little trots my horse would do, how sad.  I need to work on getting some padding back there at the gym or something?  I have no idea how.  I eat like crazy but don’t gain weight. Hmm!

Well my back is killing me from all the bending over and picking up I did this evening. I am trying to get everything done before we leave and it seems there is no end! Hopefully this mini vaca I’ll be able to relax!!! Ahh… wouldn’t that be nice?  🙂  Indeed. I will have to show the pics tomorrow along with pancreatic bracelets I’ve been watching to share with you all, cards sent by so many and any other gifts I’ve received over the last couple months I’ll be sharing in the next days!! 🙂   Oh! Plus I’ve got other exciting pancreatic news I need to share and promote for events I’ll be in!!! Soooo exciting… see ya tomorrow.

XoXo ~Ashley