A miracle happened!

I’m exhausted, I’ll update this tomorrow but I just wanted to share that a miracle truly happened to me!  I went from having to go into the hospital this morning and my doctor met me in clinic after being paged to take my scans and paperwork from Vegas and said she’d review it with the surgeon and let me know.  Then 20 minutes later when I was in the pharmacy in the hospital I received a call from her to report to the ER IMMEDIATELY because the scans were amazingly bad and unsure how I am even alive right now.  I was in the ER all day until tonight and had a room ready to stay for who knows how long this time to being released because some kind of miracle happened after doing new scans today.

Insane and emotionally draining.  I was so scared which is hard for someone to do since I certainly don’t get scared easily because I go by how I feel and not what they say.  Like I said, details tomorrow. I am so very thankful for whatever kind of miracle happened to me and I can sleep very well tonight.  Thank you for the prayers!!   Night everyone 🙂

XoXo ~Ashley