Ash 6 day in ICU

Let me first say that we love all the cards Ashley has been receiving. I think we’re close to about 100 or so now in the first day . Ashley said wow!!! she couldn’t believe it she was so happy!! Again thank you so much.

So this is Ashleys 6th day in ICU she is back in pain today do to the bull shit that happens all to much at hospitals. Someone miscommunicated something or dropped the ball again. I have argued with so many Dr.s that they think I’m an ass. I just know what Ashley needs more than they do and wont stand for second best. They just need to listen and do their job. There is nothing I hate more than telling them I told you so or why was this not done. Then the skate around the answer like a hockey player.

So what happened is they took Ashley off Ketamine way too fast and I argued that they were wrong to take her from 5-5 to 0 ketamine 5 Diluadid. So now a direct Result of that is Ashley being in pain and had to go back up to 10 mg and hours of Diluadid. I told them to drop the Diluadid first to help wing her off. They said they needed to get her off the ketamine first. This is only because we refuse an epidural. Therefore they can’t transfer us to the regular floor we have to stay in the ICU. And they seem adamant on getting us out of here. All of this did not make much sense to me since after talking to the anesthesiologist and Palliative lady for her pain management . Because we agreed we would not take her of ketamine 100%. This is why they don’t use this in the ICU not sure how to use it. Sure they have a protocol but it’s bullshit and does not work for ashley at all. What are the# based on I asked and they said Literature. I see its not on a 28 yr old girl that had been on 70 mg/hr. Then how do you know if your protocol even works on her or not? Their protocol says we have to move in increments of five which I don’t agree with one bit. Long story short now we are moving in whatever increments we want. :).

Don’t worry I will get to the bottom of who made the call to take Ashley off ketamine completely. Someone has to answer to me I love seeing them dance around the questions. I think I will also write a book on things that shouldn’t happen that do in the hospital.

So where we at tonight is Ashley’s at about 10 mg of Dilaudid and 20 mg of ketamine an hour and she is comfortable and in some pain. We might go up a little more on the ketamine and then start trying to wing her down on the Diluadid tomorrow…again not for sure might just hold off for a while though. Ashley’s output of urine has slowed down in about half or more. We are worried that there is something wrong Most likely her ureter stent Slightly plugged.

This has been my song thought this journey never quit never back down tell the cancer is gone!!!