There is hope never settle for “there is nothing we can do”

Hello Thursday! So this is Ashley’s 8th day in the ICU (dont count the surgery night) and she WAS doing much better now that we’ve taken charge for pain control management. Two nights ago we walked around the ICU about four times and then walked to her old room. To put this in perspective it’s probably about a 1/4 of a mile And this was on 20 mg of ketamine and 8 mg of Dilaudid. The docs cannot believe that she can function on this amount of drugs Ha ha they don’t know this girl very well then.
So for the last few days have been a waiting game for the allusive bowels to move. This is causing Ashley to be Distended in the stomach. I never thought I would be glad to say that I think you passed some gas “thank god every thing is working!!” Unfortunately as things are moving through it is causing her significant pain but with time it should get better. Her Urine output has slowed a lot and her kidneys were not flashing out the toxins so the #s were way off. So the docs wanted to blow holes in her back straight to the kidneys to drain them – not fun! The thought was her Ureters stents were blocked or still a mass in that area compressing on them. But I did not think this was the case maybe scar tissue from surgery compressing or the stents or they needed to be changed out. Don’t ever jump the gun this is what Ashley has taught me. Good news is the urologist came in to talk to us about this and her urine output increased kidneys must of been like “hello! not going to happen!! So we figured the kidneys were damaged from the chemotherapy slightly which happens a lot about 7-10 days post-chemo or so and now they are in recovery stage.
During this whole process Her heart rate and blood pressures has been elevated but we were not sure why. So I’m pretty sure we figured out the problem today because this morning she had a temperature of about 101. Not good this means she had an infection So we did blood cultures. Came back positive for an infection. One step forward one step back -damnit! So since she has an infection in her bloodstream we had to cut out her Mediport and pull her pic line to rule those out because it could have been the source of the problem and hold bacteria. Anytime you have an open access to the bloodstream there is a risk. So now they had to put a central line in her neck this will give them three access points like she had before total.

Ashley was not happy poor girl had been through so much. You bet I asked if this was staff infection and jumped down their throats. They assured me that the bacterial infection was not consistent with staff infection though so it could have been any thing a lot of germs in the ICU. The second thing it could be but hope not is something is leaking from the surgery pluming diversions she had done. We are waiting in a holding pattern for the results from the CT scan…

So basically Ashley had many surgeries done today amongst everything else I wrote . She had her mediport cut out, PIC line cut out, x-ray, ct scan, Aline cut in and central line in neck and everything else. Yes she is very heartbroken that we are taken steps back and she is totally out of it from her drugs she is on. It’s hard for her. Very busy day!!

Day 7 in ICU Wednesday ‘s post….

Unfortunately Ash couldn’t get to sleep last night until the nurse gave her some sleep meds and she had been out since 5am and all day long today so her schedule is off. But we are trying to be very positive and still fighting like you would not believe. Ashley is getting sick of all this but I told her to stay strong there is light at the end of the tunnel. Better days are coming just another bump in the road well it Feels like rumble strips very big rumble strips.

So just wanted to get it out there to let everybody know that there is hope, never to give up, always dig for information and ask questions. Ashley’s surgeon is one of the best surgeons out there he has pioneered the procedure named after himself and has taught a few other surgeons how to perform this procedure. So I can say without 100% doubt that she had the best surgeon for this surgery. With that being said if Someone tells you there is no hope and there” nothing they can do sorry” they are not fighting for you hard enough just keep keepen on.

Song for my wife

So we need to get the word out that most oncology Dr. Are like the weather man if they are wrong they still get paid by pushing the chemo. It’s all about the money that’s just life . Me and Ashley truly believe that you can help your self along the way with homeopathic Therapies. But due to the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA a lot of these natural remedies are not embraced due to the money. I’m not saying that these drugs will cure you I’m just saying they may help along the way and that we have used many and feel they have helped Ashley substantially through her battle with cancer. You can follow the money the FDA makes the Pharmaceutical companies go through billions of dollars worth of hoops to bring a drug to market safely they say. But when was the last time you watched one of those commercials that said if you have taken this drug contact us the Mike Slocum
Law office And you may be entitled to money back due to medical damages caused by a drug where was the FDA at the bank cashing big pharmacies check. haha . Do we need government involved I think not but you are Entitled to your own opinion though this is America after all. But on the other hand drug companies are not going to put out drugs on the market to harm you. Not gonna happen just as I’m not going to do crappy carpentry work because I won’t get any more work or the clients won’t trust me any more same goes for pharmaceutical companies. They need the American people to trust them and buy safe drugs. Watch this video Ron Paul put out it’s very good and will maybe make you think. It’s sad to think we would keep something good from humanity off the market because of greed but this is the world we live in EVERY THING Revolves around money just the truth. “It’s all about the Benjamin’s”

On a better note I feel like there’s something we can do about cancer maybe not a form of a cure but there are things that we can do to help those that need it the most get the WORD OUT.
How come it is that Ashley is going through cancer this whole time and I have done my homework as I have said time and time again we been told surgery was not an option. Still did not stop looking up surgery options but still unable to find a world renowned surgeon right under our nose. People need to talk speak up and not Worry about giving somebody wrong information just give it to them and let them decipher it on their own so they can make the Decision. So many times people today are scared of telling somebody something wrong because of backlash that they don’t want to get involved. With that being said I appreciate everybody that has thrown out things they have read that may or may not be of some use. Just have to ask yourself is it all worth just one more day for me and Ashley every second counts and surgery was a no-brainer when we were given the option. Sure it was hard to pull the trigger at first but you have to weigh the benefits against the negatives. If everything goes okay with Ashley and she is doing well soon I would like to try to get her on a TV talk show so she can tell her story and maybe we can even get her surgeon to tag along. Just think of how many people are out there right now that thinks there’s no option for them and surgery could be a possibly. This could extend their life months if not years or decades who knows what the possibilities you just need to find out for yourself. In my opinion Ashleys surgeon is the best and most aggressive surgeon that anybody will find and he is truly a hero in my book for stepping outside the box. Maybe we all could learn a thing or two from this man. I know there are other surgeons out there and if you are put in this situation then you have to do your own extensive research. So I need to get Ashley on Ellen or the View or any other talk show to tell her story.

This is basically the surgery Ashley went through. Warning May contain graphic materials for children under the age of 18

10 comments on “There is hope never settle for “there is nothing we can do”

  1. Sheron Stanfield says:

    Well, I had a lengthy comment and lost it. So, I will start over tomorrow. Goodnight Ashley and Tim. Get some sleep.

  2. elaine mclaughlin says:

    I didn’t think I could be speechless,but after I read what you guys had been going through the last 2 days,I felt like all the stuffing came out of me. How Ashley has withstood all this, boggles my mind.You’re in some sort of super-human mode.I don’t like the sound of an infection,but maybe the body’s fighting harder. The body’s got to figure it out,somehow.Stay close to each other while things are so tense. It helps.We’re thinking about you.

  3. bella41203 says:


    I wont give you all the details but my husband spent 9 days in ICU. Prior to getting to the ICU the “floor” doctor AND our previous oncologist wanted to make sure I was “PREPARED” because he had sepsis and pnemonia ( Sp ) and was dying. I SCREAMED and yelled and screamed about them givingup on my husband blah blah.. I got everyone jumping.. next thing he was in the ICU I told everyone to get out of my way if they were not there to save his life period! He is a youngman and they OVER toxed him.. The doctor from ICU came running up to me ( because I told everyone else to not come near me). He promised he would do everything he could but I may loose him w/in 12 hours.
    Prayers / ICU/ and PRAYERS … NEVER ever giving up on him 9 days in ICU and this was last September.

    He is at GUH now ( was with a northern VA oncologist ) starting a brand new trial for immunotherapy for PC patients. His doc at GUH is agreat onco with an amazing attitdue he knows we are in the fight for our lives and told him when we interviewed him…. if you have a “cant do anything attitude you are not for us”… he was the opposite..

    DONT EVER GIVE UP. GOD rewards those who follow him. I am with you ALL the way find you way and STAND your ground. I would NEVER let the doctors give up. I even told the ICU folks if you are a non believer then find a nurse who believes in GOD. The presence of GOD is in his room and I will not allow anyone to disturb that . He walked out of the hopstial 2 weeks later. I fired his doctor and the entire “oncology” group with a long email lambasting their lack of ability and empathy to FIGHT for my husbands life. Told them I feel sorry for anyone in their practice !

    Fight the fight TIM… praying everyday !

  4. Marlys Berg says:

    What a roller-coaster ride the two of you have been on. My prayers continue for both of you. I pray for Ashley that she will soon get relief from her pain and all the suffering. This dear little lady has been through so much. What a fighter and what courage she has to keep fighting like she has. I agree with you, Tim, Ashley needs to get her story out about her battle with pancreatic cancer and the “never give up” approach the two of you have embraced to bring Ashley this far in her courageous battle with a horrific cancer. May the Lord continue to embrace the two of you and bless you each minute and hour of this day and going forward. With much love and prayer, Marlys Berg

  5. Margaret says:

    Still saying prayers for her here in Michigan… It is so hard to read your post ! It takes me back to my hospital times two years ago! Horrid is all I can say!!!!! Hopefully, you both can feel Gods arms wrapped around you.You both are wonderful stewards for him . Your strength , love and true determination says so much!
    Could you please tell us who your surgeon is. I too, am a pancreatic cancer patient. I would love the info. You can email me at :
    Thank you for all you are doing to get your word out there.
    God bless ….

  6. george says:

    Tim, i agree 1000%, if we had listened to the surgeon that told us “sorry there is nothing i can do for you” my wife would not be here today, instead she is 14 months “post surgery” and doing fine.
    Keep up the good work.

  7. Susan says:

    Tim, I agree with you on EVERYTHING!!! Ashley is SO lucky to have you in her corner, fighting for her. The downright ineptitude of some of the nurses and doctors is absolutely staggering sometimes. There are ton of good ones, of course, but too many are just numbed to the system, follow their “protocols” and don’t think about the actual best needs of the INDIVIDUAL patient! If a patient doesn’t have a strong advocate that pays attention for them, then their needs almost certainly won’t be met. It’s so ridiculous. And on the gov’t/FDA – you’re spot on there as well. It’s downright scary how corrupt our system is. The simple fact that it’s the FOOD & Drug Administration should tell you something, too! Food can wreak havoc OR HEAL our bodies. The system of how food is approved in our country is SO corrupt and run by corporations, same as the drugs. I’ve done a lot of research into our food system since my mom was diagnosed with pancan, and the amount of crap that’s in our food is staggering. And we wonder why we have such a high cancer rate, and people like Ashley & my mom – young (of course, Ashley is way younger, but my mom was only 55 at diagnosis) and otherwise healthy and being diagnosed with this deadly disease…. if anyone thinks the food we consume plays no part in disease, they are fooling themselves. And those who think alternative therapies are bunk are also crazy. If a little drug pill can do things in your body, why would one think that herbal medicines or food couldn’t also have major effects on our bodies?? I am rambling now, but you definitely spoke to my heart with your post – I could’ve written it myself! In terms of things to check out if you haven’t already: low dose Naltrexone, Curcumin and Bitter Melon Juice. Prayers continue always for you and Ashley. Your post brought me right back to when I was in the ICU with Mom – she had a Whipple in which they ended up removing her whole pancreas. She went through the excruciating recovery, finally went home after almost 2 weeks only to return 2 days later with bowel leakage due to a nick they put in her colon during the Whipple. So they had to remove a part of her large intestine, etc. and she was in ICU and starting all over in terms of recovery. It was always one step forward, two steps back – she’d have a great day, then the next day she’d have a fever, an infection or something else. But the good news is, she made it through and has been going strong since – conquering her chemo (with a few small setbacks) and currently NED, almost 8 months out from her Whipple. So hang in there and hopefully the setbacks will get smaller and smaller until Ashley is home.

  8. Sheron stanfield says:

    Tim, what a powerful posting. I totally agree about the pharmacology companies, money, money, money. My husband has said this for years. I have become more aware as there are so many people that don’t know where to go to get assistance. I loved the strong for Ashley. I had to look the words up on Internet. The lyric fit her, but not the chorus. I watched the surgery video and it was interesting as how they went in and plucked out the cancer masses.

    I suggest Ashley go on the Doctors. I love that show. Got things to do, Tim so take care of your beautiful wife and your amazing self. Sheron

  9. BobbyJo says:

    Tim, I was overwhelmed when I read your post and saw the video of the HIPEC surgery. You and Ashley continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. You both have been through so much. I was concerned when you mentioned infection – please ask your docs if they have checked her for C-Diff as a source of the infection. They probably have but I remember that my hubby got it from a much smaller procedure and it needs specific antibiotics. I lit a candle for both of you and believe that you both will get through this. Your love for Ashley is amazing. Please take care of yourself too.

  10. Denise from MD says:

    Soon you’ll have your medical degree with the hands-on learning you are getting. Good for you for being her #1 advocate in her corner. Being a doctor is nothing but guessing the right thing to do. Only you and Ashley know what is best for her.

    I have Crohn’s Disease and a couple years ago I had a bad flare up. I went to my gastroenterologist. He happened to be training a student and had her meet with me first. She doubted everything I told her and based on my symptoms diagnosed me with something completely wrong. I could tell she was diagnosing me from “the book.” I knew she was wrong but bit my tongue until my doctor came in. I told him the same thing I told her and what I thought was going on. He totally agreed with me and told the doctor-in-training that to always listen to the patient because they usually know what’s wrong since it’s their body. She was embarrassed but I hope she learned a good lesson that day.

    I also have to say that we are so fortunate to live in an age where we literally have so much information at our fingertips. How cool to watch a video of the surgery she had even if it is graphic. Pre-internet we would have had no idea what they had done.

    Prayers are continuing for you.

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